Cooking the Data for Successful Forecast

9 min readJul 14, 2023


Blog- 2: Preprocessing and Feature Engineering in Time Series Data

Handling Missing Values and Outliers

Time series data is notorious for its missing values and outliers. In this section, we delve into the importance of addressing these issues and their potential impact on our analysis and forecasting.

Identifying and Handling Missing Values

Missing values are like mischievous little gaps in our time series data, ready to throw our analysis off balance. They can be a real headache, but fear not! Let’s glide into the process of identifying and handling these sneaky gaps effectively.

First things first, we need to identify those missing values lurking in our data such as checking for null values or using visualization tools to detect patterns of missingness. Once we’ve identified the culprits, it’s time to decide how to handle them.

Interpolation, where we fill in the missing values by estimating them based on the surrounding data points. This method assumes a smooth progression in the time series and can be useful when we have a good understanding of the underlying patterns. Different interpolation techniques, include linear interpolation, spline interpolation, and forward/backward filling.

But wait, there’s more! When interpolation isn’t suitable or reliable, we can turn to imputation methods.

Imputation, These involve using statistical techniques like mean, median, and mode to estimate missing values based on other variables or external data sources. Imputation can be a powerful tool, but it requires careful consideration and understanding of the data and the imputation technique being used. Popular imputation methods include mean imputation, regression imputation, and k-nearest neighbors imputation.

Identifying and Handling Outliers

Outliers in time series data can disrupt the integrity of our analysis, so it’s crucial to identify and handle them appropriately. Identifying outliers involves using statistical methods and visualization techniques. Statistical methods like the Z-score can help us detect data points that deviate significantly from the mean or median. Visualizing the data through scatter plots or box plots can also reveal any unusual observations that stand out from the rest.

Once identified, we can employ various techniques to handle outliers, and one such technique is winsorization.

Winsorization involves capping or trimming the extreme values in our dataset. In other words, we set a predefined threshold, and any data points exceeding this threshold are replaced with the nearest values within that threshold. By doing so, winsorization helps mitigate the impact of outliers on our analysis without completely removing them.

The advantage of winsorization is that it preserves the overall distribution of the data while minimizing the influence of extreme values. It provides a more robust and reliable analysis, especially in cases where outliers may be indicative of valuable information or represent genuine anomalies in the time series.

Setting Time Index and Time Resampling

Setting Time Index

When working with time series data, setting the time index is a critical step that lays the foundation for accurate analysis. The time index allows us to properly organize and structure our data based on the temporal aspect. It enables us to track the progression of observations over time.

Converting data into a time series format involves assigning a meaningful time index to each data point. This index could be a specific date and time, a time interval that represents the sequence of observations, which is essential for analyzing patterns, trends, and relationships over time.

The process of setting the time index may vary depending on the format of the original data. For example, if the data already includes a column with timestamp information, we can directly designate that column as the time index. On the other hand, if the data lacks explicit time information, we may need to create a new column or convert existing columns into a suitable time format.

By setting the time index, we unlock a wide range of time-based analysis techniques, such as time resampling, decomposition, and lag analysis. These techniques allow us to uncover hidden patterns, understand seasonal variations, detect trends, and make informed predictions.

Time Resampling

Time resampling is a powerful technique that enables us to transform and aggregate our data at different time intervals.

Time resampling comes in handy when we have data recorded at a high frequency or irregular intervals and we want to analyze it at a lower or more regular frequency. There are two primary types of time resampling: upsampling and downsampling.

Upsampling involves increasing the frequency or granularity of our time series data. This can be useful when we have sparse data points and want to fill in the gaps with interpolated values. For example, we might have daily sales data, but we need hourly sales data to perform a more detailed analysis. By upsampling, we can create additional data points and estimate values for the intermediate time periods.

Downsampling, on the other hand, involves decreasing the frequency of our time series data. It helps in cases where we have high-frequency data and want to aggregate it into larger time intervals. For instance, we may have minute-level temperature readings, but we’re interested in analyzing the data on a daily or monthly basis. Downsampling allows us to calculate summary statistics, such as averages or sums, over the specified time intervals, providing a more consolidated and manageable dataset.

The choice of resampling technique depends on the nature of the data and the specific analysis objectives. Upsampling can be performed using interpolation methods like linear interpolation or spline interpolation. Downsampling involves aggregating data using techniques such as taking the mean, sum, or maximum value within each interval.

Resampling techniques offer yet another approach to explore our time series data. These techniques involve manipulating the time intervals and observations to provide a different perspective on the data.

Resampling Techniques

One commonly used resampling technique is rolling window statistics. This involves calculating summary statistics, such as the mean, standard deviation, or maximum, within a sliding window of a fixed size. By moving the window across the time series, we can observe the changing patterns and trends. Rolling window statistics are particularly useful for identifying short-term fluctuations or smoothing out noise in the data.

Another resampling technique is the cumulative sum. It involves calculating the cumulative sum of the observations at each time point, creating a running total. This can be useful for tracking cumulative changes, such as the total sales or cumulative returns over time.

Both resampling techniques offer unique insights and can complement traditional aggregations. They provide alternative perspectives on the data and help us uncover additional patterns or relationships that may not be apparent with standard aggregations.

Time resampling helps us reveal new insights, identify long-term trends, and reduce the noise inherent in high-frequency data.

Time Series Decomposition

Time Series Components:

When working with time series data, it’s essential to understand its underlying components. Time series data can typically be deconstructed into three main components: trend, seasonality, and residual.

Trend component represents the long-term pattern or direction of the data.

Seasonality refers to the repetitive patterns or fluctuations that occur at fixed intervals within the time series. These patterns often repeat over shorter time periods, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

Residual, also known as the error or noise component, represents random and unpredictable fluctuations that cannot be explained by the trend or seasonality.

Study more about the terminology of time series from this blog below

Decomposition Methods:

There are several decomposition methods available to separate the components of a time series. Each method has its own strengths and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific characteristics of the data and the analysis objectives.

Moving averages is a popular decomposition method that involves smoothing the time series data by calculating the average of neighboring points within a sliding window. This helps in identifying the underlying trend and removing the high-frequency noise or fluctuations. Moving averages provide a simple and intuitive approach to decompose the data but may overlook more complex patterns.

STL (Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess) decomposition is a robust method that incorporates both trend and seasonal components while handling irregularities in the data. It applies locally weighted regression to estimate the trend and seasonality, effectively capturing both long-term and short-term patterns. STL decomposition is widely used and can handle time series with irregular or missing values.

Choosing the appropriate decomposition method depends on the specific characteristics of the data and the objectives of the analysis. It’s essential to consider factors such as data quality, the presence of outliers or missing values, and the complexity of the underlying patterns. By applying the right decomposition method, we can unravel the hidden patterns within our time series and gain valuable insights into its components.

Smoothing Techniques to Reveal Underlying Patterns

Moving Averages

Moving averages are a popular smoothing technique that helps reveal the underlying trends and patterns in the data.

The concept behind moving averages is simple yet effective. It involves calculating the average of a specific number of neighboring data points within a sliding window. By taking the average, the extreme values or random fluctuations get averaged out, resulting in a smoother representation of the data.

There are different types of moving averages and the most basic one is the Simple moving average (SMA), which evenly weights all the data points within the window. It provides a straightforward and intuitive way to smooth out the data.

Exponential moving average (EMA). Unlike the SMA, the EMA assigns exponentially decreasing weights to the data points, giving more weightage to recent observations. This makes the EMA more responsive to changes in the data, particularly useful when you want to capture short-term trends.

By applying moving averages, you can reduce the noise and focus on the overall patterns and trends present in your time series data. It’s a versatile technique that finds applications in various domains, including finance, weather forecasting, and stock market analysis.

If you’re looking for a powerful tool to smooth your time series data, another method to explore is the Savitzky-Golay filter. The author didn't work on this as of now. Let’s jump into the next step

Testing for Stationarity and Transforming Non-Stationary Data

Stationarity in Time Series

In the realm of time series analysis, stationarity is like the holy grail. It refers to the property of a time series where the statistical properties remain constant over time. This means that the mean, variance, and autocovariance of the data do not depend on the specific point in time.

Understanding stationarity is crucial because many time series models and techniques rely on this assumption. Stationary data allows for more reliable predictions and meaningful analysis. So, how do we determine if our data is stationary or not?

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, a statistical test commonly used to assess stationarity in time series data. This test examines whether a unit root exists in the data, which indicates non-stationarity. By comparing the test statistic to critical values, we can determine if our data is stationary or if it requires further processing.

Transforming Non-Stationary Data

But what if our data fails the stationarity test? Don’t worry, we’ve got transformation techniques up our sleeves to bring it back to equilibrium.

Differencing, which involves taking the difference between consecutive observations. This can help remove trends and make the data more stationary. By subtracting the current value from the previous one, we capture the changes between time points, focusing on the fluctuations rather than the absolute values.

Logarithmic transformation. Applying the logarithm to the data can compress large values and expand small values, making the overall distribution more symmetric. This can be particularly useful when dealing with data that exhibit exponential growth or decay.

Creating Lag Variables and Extracting Time-Related Features

Creating Lag Variables

Lag variables hold the key to unlocking the relationships between past observations and the present. They provide valuable insights into the time-dependent dynamics of our data. So, what exactly are lag variables, and how do we create them?

Lag variables are essentially the values of a time series at previous time points. They allow us to capture the historical information and the temporal dependencies within the data. By introducing lag variables, we can explore how past observations influence current or future values.

Creating lag variables is a straightforward process. We simply shift the values of the time series by a certain number of time steps. For example, if we want to create lag variables for a monthly time series, we can shift the values one month back, two months back, and so on. Each shifted value represents a lag variable corresponding to a specific time point.

By including lag variables in our analysis, we can uncover patterns such as autocorrelation, where the current value is dependent on past values. Lag variables also allow us to capture seasonality and short-term trends that may impact the time series.


In this blog, We’ve covered essential preprocessing steps and feature engineering techniques that will prepare your data for successful forecasting. By addressing missing values, outliers, setting time indices, smoothing techniques, testing for stationarity, aggregating data, and extracting time-related features, you’re now equipped with a toolbox of techniques to conquer time series analysis. Remember, the recipe for a perfect forecast starts with cooking the data!




Data science and AI Consultant - Jovian , Curious problem-solver