A recent project of mine is a short platform game that I developed with p5js. p5js is a JavaScript library for creating graphic and interactive experiences; and the outcome of developing in p5js can be very powerful. My project is the first time I used p5js and it only touches upon the endless possibilities.
p5js is simple to use is because it has predefined methods for drawing shapes and using colours. It redraws frames at a rapid rate to give the impression of movement, and interactivity is made possible with the use of key press and mouse click registers. These are just a few things that p5js empowers the developer with.
The full suite of API methods available to create graphics is detailed in p5js.org, and I encourage anyone interested to explore it.
Here is a link to my project developed in p5js. It is playable on desktop and laptop devices but not yet on mobile devices. The controls are:
Left arrow key: walk left
Right arrow key: walk right
Space key: jump
Have fun!