The kleptocracy requires our cooperation to exist, we can collapse it by withdrawing our cooperation.

Alice Marshall
4 min readOct 9, 2018


This essay is based on an earlier Tweet storm as to how we can pull down the kleptocracy by acts of non-cooperation.

The kleptocracy understands money, therefore, if we withhold our money, we can bring it down. For example, the big banks run the country, therefore, take your business elsewhere. Transfer your business to a credit union or a community bank such as Amalgamated or Industrial Bank. Banks cannot make loans for oil pipelines or other ill-judged projects with money they don’t have, so put your money elsewhere. Ideally, persuade your state to set up a public bank like the Bank of North Dakota. That is not so easily done, but you can at least transfer your personal business to a credit union.

Our economy and foreign policy are organized around the petro-state, therefore we need to conserve energy as much as possible. Walk, bicycle, or take public transportation whenever possible. For those living in the country with long commutes, or who have to transport tools and equipment, this will simply not be possible. But for many of us, it is possible to drastically cut back on the use of the automobile, or give it up altogether. Every dollar withheld weakens the petro-state that much more.

The kleptocracy is designed to drain funds from the 99.9% and into the pockets of the .01%. Therefore, we need to shop in such a way to recycle our funds into the pockets of the 99.9%. Shop at second-hand stores, Criagslist, or yard sales whenever possible. Re-use is better than recycling; it keeps money in the community and deprives the kleptocracy of funds.

Shop at locally-owned stores, or, if that is not possible, shop at union shop stores. Patronizing union businesses puts your money into the pockets of your fellow workers.

IF practical, start a vegetable garden, sew or knit clothes, and/or build furniture. The more you can stay off the grid, the more you deprive the kleptocracy of funds.

As Greg Palast teaches us before they can steal your job, steal your home, throw you in jail, first they have to steal your vote. Therefore you must register to vote and encourage your friends and family to do likewise. Support the work of organizations such as Spread the Vote, Let American Vote, and your local voting rights organizations. If you are in a position to, offer rides to the poll on election day. Push back against voter suppression.

Our news media lied us into the Iraq war and a host of other atrocities. The current crisis would never have come about if we had an honest news media. They are nothing more than agit-prop for the kleptocracy, therefore, cut your cable, cancel your subscription to the NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, and any other war-mongering broadsheet. Don’t contribute to PBS or NPR.

Support independent media, Naked Capitalism, @nicolesandler, The Analysis News, @Atrios / @Eschatonblog, @rjeskow, @MikeElk, @WeActRadio and so many others doing great work. This achieves two things, obviously, these commentators can do so much more if they had just a few more resources. But their prosperity also affects how news-makers treat them. Our news media defines the terms of the debate. According to corporate media, endless war is “centrist,” while single-payer healthcare is “lefty fringe.” Only by raising the status of independent media by promoting their work on social media and supporting them financially, can we shift the terms of the debate. Supporting independent media is not as important as supporting politicians you like, it is MORE important. If you have $27 for a politician, you have $27 for your favorite news provider.

If you shop on Amazon, be sure to go through an independent blogger, such as Eschaton to make sure they get a commission. It is an easy way to support your favorite blogger.

Support organized labor. Join a union if you can, support strikes whenever you can, join a picket line, honor boycotts, always maintain solidarity.

Fire the bosses! Form a worker-owned co-operative if you can.

Get active in local groups working for real change, here in DC that would mean DC Mutual Aid, @Save_metro, @FairBudgetDC, @WashLaw4CR, @EmpowerDC, and so many others.

Stop voting on tradition, support politicians with suspicion. Consider voting for third-party candidates, especially at the municipal level.

IF you are religious, attend services at your house of worship. The fellowship of your fellow believers will protect you from the feelings of alienation that are the kleptocracy’s most potent weapon.

End endless war. Don’t enlist, don’t fight their wars, support the work of the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth.

Maintain solidarity with the 99%, always punch up, never kick down. Working together we can not only dismantle the kleptocracy but, more importantly, replace it with something better.



Alice Marshall

Author of “The precinct captain’s guide to political victory, buy it on Amazon Kindle.