Book of the Week: Inheritance

Preston Hall
2 min readMar 10, 2016


Inheritance by Sharon Moalem | MD, PhD

Amazing book. For $12 used on amazon, it will change your world.

Here is what I got out of it:

Our genes are constantly changing based on how we behave what we eat. Mind blowing. I always thought ‘whatcha got is whatcha got’. 100% untrue. You can change, damage, or repair your genes right now. Yes, right now.

Asking your relatives if they ever had any bad drug reaction may save your life or reduce the risk of damage to your important insides.

Getting your genetic testing done can make you a disqualifying factor for disability and life insurance for you personally, your immediate family, and your future genetic decedents.

Insurance companies have free reign to use genetic information against us when basing their premiums for various insurance products.

Even with all our fancy technology, we still don’t understand everything.

If you can identity genes that make you good at something, double down on executing around your strengths. You’ll see further progress vs executing on a weak gene.

Even after reading all this, I still feel like I will my insides mapped out.

Isn’t that the best investment into yourself you could do? Get a print out of how your body is operating all the way down to the gene level.

That would be priceless to me.

