The Tragic End of Farmer Adam and the Death of Dreams

Prez Duglaz
3 min readJul 26, 2017


The cock crow roused him from sleep

It’s another day to work

In anticipation of a bountiful harvest

He muttered some prayers as the heavy rain pounded the roofing sheets

The early morning downpour is a blessing

But also a motivation for a lazy day

Good enough the rain soon stopped

There’s a lot to do in the farm

He trekked the miles with a smile

His routine for years

This is his life

The sweat is sweet for the harvest

The thought of the coming harvest made him smile

But the mounting responsibilities made him frown

There’s a lot to do for his household

The next month’s harvest will pay some debts

There are leaking roofs to replace

His first daughter will marry

And there is tuition fee to pay for his undergraduate son

But he had every reason to be thankful

God had been kind to him

The harvest would be bountiful

The signs were there to see

The lonely path soon became busy

Other farmers joined on the same voyage

Each carrying his farm implements

Mostly a hoe and a cutlass

They bantered and laughed

And talked about the coming harvest;

But like Adam

They had their worries-

The responsibilities awaiting them

Soon they went their separate ways

Each hailing the other

The day’s work would end in the evening

They would meet again on their way home

And for their rendezvous to unwind with palm wine back at home

The lush green vegetation of his farm made him smile

The bountiful crops are the reward of his sweat

He set about the day’s duties

Lost in his own world

Gaily whistling as he worked

Evening came very quickly

Some of his farmer friends were there waiting

Time to call it a day

He turned around

To see the unbelievable

The invasion of his farm:

A herd of cattle

Like a swarm of bees

What ensued is a gory tale

The bloody fight attracted other farmers

They put up a good fight

But stood no chance against the rampaging herdsmen-

Their swords- smoking with bloody execution

Bathed the farmers in reeking wounds

And their A.K 47

Completed the murderous act

None of those men returned home that day

Their lifeless bodies lay across the wasted field

That was once Adam’s farm

The heavy rain that fell thereafter

Flooded the field with blood

Dreams die daily for dudes

For the farmer victims of the herdsmen

Today was the death of theirs

And also for their daughters

Their sons

Their wives

And their many dependants

Wasted effort

Wasted dreams

Needless deaths

Mere statistics

For reference in dingy discussions in government circles

An owl hovering over the village was the purveyor of the bad news

Its shrieking sound pierced the cold and dreary night

Soon the village was ablaze with the tragic news

Wondering what sort of fate had befallen them

Villagers wailed and mourned the dead

What a sad day for Adam and his farmer friends!

In the morning, the cock crow roused them

In the evening, the shriek of an owl bade them farewell

As for the herdsmen

The deed was done

Onward to pastures fresh

None brings them to justice

They live to kill another day

And so long their cattle are fed

Wouldn’t matter at what or whose expense

Photo credit: Eyitayo



Prez Duglaz

Using poetry as a medium of expression, this space will discuss social-political and other contemporary issues.