3 min readMay 21, 2022


21 Day Yoga Challenge
21 Day Yoga Challenge with Priestess Sekhmet

We have just completed the 21 Day Yoga Challenge that included practicing the sun salutation, sun gazing and sun mantra for 21 days! If you are looking for exercises to bring more balance, discipline and focus to your life, this is for you!

21 Day Yoga Challenge for Balance!

Here is a sample of my 21 Day Project Calendar for Yoga and Meditation Completed!

21 Day Challenges Develop Stamina. These challenges develop focus, consistency, balance, energy, confidence, determination, grit and so much more! If you struggle with distractions, procrastination or following through on your goals, a 21 Day Challenge is for you!

I was an abused child. Before I started doing these 21 day challenges, I didn’t understand focus or discipline. I desired to, but I grew up in a dysfunctional home and I dropped out of school after the 6th grade. Needless to say, my life became increasingly difficult.

Then, I was hospitalized. I was losing the ability to manage my life. After being diagnosed with a mental illness and hospitalized due to stress and overwhelming despair, I knew I had to find a way to bring more balance into my life.

21 Day Challenges helped to save me. I began practicing meditation and doing 21 Day Challenges to help me to develop consistency, focus and achieve greater balance. Since I began, I have done 21 Day Challenges for meditation, aura reading, oracle reading, I-Ching reading, journaling, scripting, manifesting, diet, exercise and I just completed this 21 day yoga challenge just to name a few!

21 Day Challenges Can Help You Too!

Priestess Sekhmet using meditation mudra and songbowl meditation
Priestess Sekhmet using meditation mudra and crystal songbowl meditation

I will help you get results. I am now working to help others with similar challenges in the areas of focus and discipline achieve the same results! I know how it feels to struggle with mental and emotional baggage and I know you’re determined to do what it takes to accomplish your goals and dreams!

You are not alone! Nothing gives me more joy than overcoming obstacles and helping others to do the same! You don’t have to struggle alone! There is someone here who understands what you are going through and I am always working to put systems in place that will assist you in your journey each step of the way!

If you need one on one support and personal psychic life coaching, click here to Book Your Session Today!

Download Your 21 Day Challenge Calendar and Get Started Now!

Click the link below to download your free 21 day calendar
Click the link below to download your free 21 day calendar

Are you ready to take the next step? Are you ready to complete your 21 Day Challenge? Where do you need to start? What system can you put in place that deserves your attention for the next 21 days? Make it a challenge! Then print out this calendar and mark it off each day you complete your objective!

Just don’t quit! It doesn’t matter if you skip a day or fall off the bandwagon! Just pick up where you left off and keep pushing forward until you get to Day 21! Each time you complete this challenge, you will be developing strength, focus and discipline, you never knew you had!

To print your 21 Day Calendar, click right here! Download 21 Day Calendar




Priestess Sekhmet enjoys helping spiritual seekers connect to their Higher Selves and manifest their intentions effectively through spiritual self mastery!