10 min readApr 5, 2024


This message I received from our Ancestors when I woke up this morning hearing them say “Your Superpowers are being restored”. Suddenly I had a vision of a dream I once had about experiencing my superpowers and I’d like to begin by sharing that dream with you now.

But first, allow me to share this scripture. It reminds me of a gospel song I heard when I was a little girl, and this is how the dreams of my superpowers were first inspired:

Psalms 46: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; 3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.

Dream of My Superpowers

Dream of the Flood and Demonstration of my superpowers

I had this dream many years ago before moving to Louisiana and in the dream, I remember living in a home that looked and felt very much like a home I lived in since I moved here. In the dream, I remember standing outside the house and suddenly a flood came rushing down the road toward me.

As the water began to swirl around my ankles, an energy developed beneath my feet creating a solid surface causing me to stand on the flood waters as it carried me down the street!

I remember yelling out, this is God! As the flood hurdled down toward the end of my block where the street ended in a T shape much like the street here in Louisiana. Again, I yelled out, God if this is you, then cause the flood to turn right and go around that corner?

As the flood came to the corner, it immediately turned right carrying me safely around the corner! I was so amazed and excited I yelled God, I know this is you! But, if it truly is you, then cause this flood to stop, go in reverse, and take me back home!

Immediately, the flood stopped, went in reverse, and went straight back to my house and stopped right in front of the door. Then a powerful force lifted me in the air, carried me into the house, and gently laid me on the sofa! That was the end of that dream.

I had many dreams like this between the years of 2004 and 2007 that all conveyed the message that if I had faith in the Christ within, miracles would take place. Since that time, I’ve also realized that these dreams were not only to inspire me but to inspire anyone who was willing to listen to my dreams. They would also be encouraged to believe in the superpowers they possess within.

Past Life Memory of My Superpowers

Dream of the Elephant Stampede and Demonstration of Superpowers

In another dream, which I know now was a past life memory, I remember walking in a valley that looked very much like the Sahara and looking up toward a mountain. I saw a herd of elephants running directly toward me as if something was chasing them. I heard a voice inside say bow down, close your eyes, and pray.

As I bowed down and began to pray, I remember saying God please don’t let me die. Suddenly I began to feel a way part between the elephants as they stampeded around me leaving a safe path where I was on the ground and not a hair of my head was harmed. As I stood up after the stampede had passed me, I noticed they were running from a tsunami that was coming over the mountains. Before I knew it the flood was also heading toward me, and I began to run with supernatural force so fast that the waves could never reach me.

It’s my sense, that we are closer now more than ever to the day when our superpowers will be fully restored! Not only that, but that these dreams are signs to inspire us to open up to receiving these abilities once again! Why do I say restored? I say restored because we are being returned to our original divine blueprint that has been lost through the passage of time.

With that being said, I’d like to inspire you with one more dream.

Dream of the Tsunami and Demonstration of Superpowers

In this dream, I remember looking up and seeing a tsunami high in the sky coming toward me like a giant ocean wave. Again, I heard the same voice within saying close your eyes and pray. I closed my eyes and said God, please don’t let me die. Suddenly, I could feel the waves rush over me, and I felt a tremendous force beneath me, as if I was on the spout of a giant whale pushing me up quickly to the surface of the water!

I awoke from the dream knowing in my heart that God was with me and that nothing could overcome me as I long as I held on to my faith and believed in my superpowers!

These are dreams I will never forget and experiences that help me to know that within each of us is tremendous power and great force that can be activated when we call upon them.

These dreams about my superpowers are a gift and a Light in what can sometimes feel like a very dark world to tell you, keep having faith, keep on believing, never give up and never lose hope. Even in your darkest hour a Light is there for you to hold on to. Call upon God, Christ, Your Angels, Your Ancestors even The Most High to work a miracle for you right now! If you don’t know who to call on just say HELP. You will activate your superpowers to empower you in your most trying moment!

Our Superpowers are Being Restored Now!

Our Superpowers are Being Restored!

I have consistently received messages that our Divine Superpowers are being restored and will be restored in a very supernatural way through the powers that are radiating right now through the Sun!

These solar frequencies are part of an evolutionary process that is creating the New Earth reality, also known as Heaven on Earth or 5th dimensional reality. During this timeline are superpowers are being restored and will be ultimately fully activated as the solar radiation increases! By desiring to activate your superpowers, you will automatically choose this higher timeline.

As you choose the timeline that most empowers you on a daily basis, your timeline will elevate higher and higher frequency fusing you into the New Earth 5D reality timeline removing you from the old Earth timeline where you are losing in life and not experiencing your superpower. You will know this is happening because your Higher Self will begin to communicate with you more clearly and you will begin to see signs and symbols.

If you will take the signs seriously and open up communication with your Higher Self you will receive the Higher Self messages gently guiding you toward living your best life, raising your vibration to be more loving and positive which will immediately begin to restore your superpowers.

This message is from your Angels and Ancestors to confirm that your superpowers are now being restored! If you are hearing this message, this message is for you and Your Angels and Ancestors are communicating with you and actively sending you signs and signals to wake up to the realization of your superpowers.

They are saying that the signals will begin in small ways and continue to increase in frequency and power. Your extra-sensory perception is being restored so that you will have a stronger sense of discernment, knowing right from wrong and following what is true and in alignment with Universal Law and the forces of Light that are creating the New Earth reality and heaven on earth.

As you continue to follow your intuition and expect to receive messages from your Angels and Ancestors, those messages will become increasingly clear. For some of you, you will become so tuned into the messages from your Higher Self that you will know what is about to happen before it occurs. When this begins to take place, know that you are experiencing the restoration of your Superpowers, and they are being returned to you as part of your inheritance as a child of the Most High in the earth plane.

Your Superpowers are being restored right now even though you may not realize it or can physically observe it. In the beginning stages, you will have to be very focused and tuned into yourself to be able to observe the subtle changes that are happening within your mind. Your mind will begin to not only know things, but your mind will begin to move energy that can be observed with your physical sight.

As your superpowers return to you, you will begin to move energy with your mind. Therefore, it is extremely important that you pay attention to your thoughts so that you are not moving energy toward you that you do not want. Energy is moving toward you at all times because you are becoming magnetically attractive. When this energy meets your mind, it morphs into whatever it is that you are thinking and feeling on a deep level subconsciously.

Therefore, it is important to work on clearing your thoughts and feelings of unwanted energy that can morph into something undesirable manifesting in your life. This is the universal flow of nature forcing us all into maturity and a higher level of spiritual growth.

For many people they will not get the messages and they will not understand why their reality is morphing into unwanted circumstances. They will not understand that it is their Superpowers being returned to them and they will suffer because they will not be prepared.

The Angels and Ancestors are saying that all the Souls on the earth plane at this time of the return of our Superpowers were specifically chosen to be here because they have a higher level of soul consciousness and are able to process these high-frequency energies to create the new earth timeline. Therefore, we must trust the Universe that those who choose not to do the work of activating their superpowers or connecting to their Higher Self are of free will to do so and we should respect their choice.

Steps to Activating Your Superpowers

  1. If you practice meditation, this will assist you greatly in being able to slow down your mind and pay attention to the messages that are coming to you from within. The fastest way to develop your Higher Self connection is to immediately follow the leading of your first mind when you know it is in alignment with Universal Law and coming from your heart. Always check with your heart to be sure your choices are in alignment.
  2. If you are unclear about Universal Law begin to study the subject. Studying the Kybalion by the Three Initiates which are the hermetical teachings of our Ancestors, and the teachings of Christ is a wonderful place to start. As you begin to spend more time studying about your superpowers given to you by the Creator, The Most High, and our Ancestors at birth, you will activate these superpowers within you and you will begin accessing your highest timelines where your superpowers are being restored.
  3. If you desire to activate your superpowers through intentions, simply say to yourself, my superpowers are being restored to me now in alignment with my highest timeline and for my greatest good and the good of all. Repeat these words daily and write them down until they are planted into the deep resources of your mind and become second nature to you.

Activating your superpowers is your birthright! You were born to be super powerful! Your superpowers give you the power of protection! They protect your body, your soul, and your spirit! Your Superpowers give you the power of healing! They will heal you from all disease of the mind and sickness! Your Superpowers give you the power to heal others! Use your superpowers to heal yourself and heal the world! Your superpowers give you the power to go back and forth in time and move through other dimensions! Use your superpowers to go back and heal the past and create a brighter future!

The ability of your superpowers are yet to be fully realized and only you can make that happen by actively participating in realizing your superpowers. Now more than any time in our history are you able to tune into your God-given abilities as part of your birthright. Take advantage of this season of restoration and receive your superpowers right now. Walk in your power! Stand in your power! Realize your power! And so it is!

Check out My New Book! The Psychic Powerbook — A Manifesting Workbook now available on Amazon! Click here for more info!

Priestess Sekhmet is a spiritual trainer and psychic life coach. Visit to learn more!




Priestess Sekhmet enjoys helping spiritual seekers connect to their Higher Selves and manifest their intentions effectively through spiritual self mastery!