May & June at Primas (2019)

12 min readJul 3, 2019




  • 升级交易打包服务:
  1. 优化数据打包方式,降低Gas消耗及存储占用

2. 增加数据重推机制,保证数据完整性

  • 升级数据安全性验证:
  1. 增加数据验证维度,优化节点间数据验证逻辑及投票功能

2. 优化数据安全性存疑时节点应对机制


  • 北极星社区决策委员会对接CQTF基金,协助基金团队展开对PST的技术、社区、团队等调研,使PST成功入选CQTF基金指数币。

(*CQTF(CRYTO QUANTUM TRADING FUND)加密量子交易基金,主要从事量化交易、数字资产托管、项目投资孵化、组合型数字资产投资等业务。CQTF基金成立于塞舌尔,由新加坡财团LK Mining Group Ltd.投资,团队核心成员来自新加坡和中国,成员背景覆盖区块链技术、量化交易、金融投资等多个领域。)

  • 北极星社区与几大社区达成合作联盟意向,今后将对加强社区间合作,共同推进区块链社区的健康成长。




  • App Store 提交上线审核
  • Miks网页端上线
  • 增加私密圈子对其他成员邀请的限制
  • 优化“成员删除”功能的用户界面设计和交互逻辑
  • 优化忘记密码页面
  • 优化链接中含有中文的解析
  • 增加用户名/圈子名称长度限制,优化文字过长显示问题
  • 新增注册界面邀请码功能
  • 新增成员列表的成员搜索功能
  • 新增消息推送开关功能, 包括未开启权限的引导
  • 新增使用到期的弹窗警告提示
  • 新增邮箱验证的引导, 增加注册邮件重新发送按钮
  • 新增成员的滑动删除方式
  • 优化企业圈子邮件邀请
  • 新增企业圈子简介弹窗展示
  • Miks iOS上线Apple Store
  • 优化信息流动态列表
  • 更新产品使用帮助文档
  • 开发全局搜索功能,线上环境测试
  • 完成新的链接弹窗及引导发布流程
  • 新增圈子详情页文件列表入口
  • 优化“区块链信息界面”
  • 新增评论信息长按复制功能
  • 新增动态列表重新排版、点赞、评论外放功能
  • 新增点赞交互,点赞人员展示交互
  • 完成消息API接入,点赞、取消赞API接入


  • 优化输入框复制粘贴功能
  • 优化“火眼”详情页、内容页
  • 新增北极星节点欢迎弹窗
  • 新增节点选择功能
  • 新增输入框替换原文链接功能
  • 优化Toast弹层组件
  • 优化Webpack 生产环境配置,降低Vendor文件体积
  • 优化兼容性问题,处理IE11等白屏问题
  • 优化详情页点击返回无响应问题
  • 优化付费及订单页,增加最新订单
  • 优化最少购买人数逻辑
  • 新增节点公开图标展示功能
  • 新增Miks写文章入口
  • 新增并测试富文本编辑器
  • 新增上传文件、图片组件功能
  • 新增分享链接、退出圈子等功能
  • 优化圈子加载速度、预览链接缩略图
  • 优化搜索功能、关联词类型
  • 新增点赞功能、优化相关机制及相应的API
  • 优化公司运营圈子界面和接口


  • 启动大陆汽车节点
  • 完成支付服务系统搭建与开发
  • 完成用户邀请码功能开发
  • 开发账号可用时长统计及管理功能
  • 新增企业套餐额度内新增用户自动有效期功能
  • 新增用户有效期API,支付状态字段
  • 数据库版本控制及ELK脚本命令镜像化
  • 开发文件列表API并进行测试
  • 新增文件下载时文件名替换功能
  • 新增文章阅读时长统计功能
  • 新增搜索联想功能
  • 优化Miks性能,解决CPU占用过高的问题
  • 上线Miks签名相关功能配置替换
  • 新增企业及节点默认圈子自动创建功能
  • 新增企业及节点默认管理员生成功能
  • 优化Miks搜索结果准确性问题
  • 新增消息API分类支持功能
  • 新增浏览器支持文件预览功能
  • 新增企业圈子仅限管理员发布功能
  • 新增消息API返回值,支持圈子,文章及评论详情展示
  • 完成“火眼”数据转入

Primas Ecosystem Progress

Tech Development

  1. Upgraded the transaction package service:
    - Optimized data packaging to reduce Gas consumption and storage usage.
    - Increase retry of unsigned data to ensure data integrity.
  2. Upgraded data security verification:
    - Increased data validation dimensions, optimized inter-node data validation logic and voting capabilities.
    - Node coping mechanism when optimizing data security doubts.

Community Development

- The Polaris Community Decision Committee met with the CQTF fund to assist the fund team in conducting research on PST technology, community, and team, and enabled PST to be selected into the CQTF fund index currency.

(*CQTO (CRYTO QUANTUM TRADING FUND) encryption quantum trading fund, mainly engaged in quantitative transactions, digital asset custody, project investment incubation, combined digital asset investment, etc. CQTF fund was established in Seychelles, by the Singapore consortium LK Mining Group Ltd Investment, the core members of the team are from Singapore and China, and the membership background covers blockchain technology, quantitative trading, financial investment and many other fields.)

- The Polaris community reached a cooperative alliance with several major communities. In the future, it will strengthen cooperation among communities and jointly promote the healthy growth of blockchain communities.

Miks Project Progress

Tech Development

Client Facing

• Miks web page online

• Increase restrictions on private group invitations to other members

• Optimize user interface design and interaction logic for “member removal” functionality

• Optimize forgot password page

• Optimize links with Chinese parsing

• Increase username/circle name length limit to optimize text display length issues

• Add registration interface invitation code function

• New member list member search function

• Added message push switch feature, including boot with unopened permissions

• Added pop-up warning prompt for expiration

• Add a mailbox verification guide, add a registration mail resend button

• Add member’s slide delete method

• Optimize corporate circle mail invitations

• Add a new business circle profile pop-up window display

• Miks iOS online Apple Store

• Optimize the dynamic list of information flows

• Update product usage help documentation

• Develop global search function, online environment test

• Complete new link popup and guide release process

• Add circle details page file list entry

• Optimize the “blockchain information interface”

• Add a comment and press and hold the copy function

• Add dynamic list to re-type, like, comment and release functions

• Add a touch of interaction, like people to show interaction

• Complete message API access, like, cancel, praise API access

Front End

• Optimize the input box copy and paste function

• Optimize Huoyan details page, content page

• New Polaris node welcome pop-up window

• New node selection function

• New input box to replace the original link function

• Optimize Toast projectile components

• Optimize Webpack production environment configuration and reduce Vendor file size

• Optimize compatibility issues and handle white screen issues such as IE11

• Optimization details page click to return no response question

• Optimize payment and order pages to add the latest orders

• Optimize minimum purchases logic

• Add node public icon display function

• Add Miks to write article entry

• Add and test a rich text editor

• Add upload file and image component functions

• Add sharing links, exit circles, and more

• Optimize circle loading speed, preview link thumbnails

• Optimize search features, associated word types

• Add praise, optimize related mechanisms and corresponding APIs

• Optimize company operations circle interface and interface

Server Side

• Start Continental Car Node

• Complete payment service system construction and development

• Complete user invitation code function development

• Development account available time statistics and management functions

• Added user automatic expiration date in the new enterprise package quota

• Add user expiration API, payment status field

• Database version control and ELK script command mirroring

• Develop a file list API and test it

• File name replacement function when adding new files

• Added article reading duration statistics

• Add search associations

• Optimize Miks performance and solve the problem of excessive CPU usage

• On-line Miks signature related function configuration replacement

• New enterprise and node default circle auto creation function

• Add enterprise and node default administrator generation function

• Optimize the accuracy of Miks search results

• Added message API classification support function

• Added browser support file preview function

• New business circles are only available for administrator publishing

• Added message API return value, support for circles, articles and comment details display

• Completed the Huoyan data transfer




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.