Primas Ambassador Program

2 min readSep 6, 2018


Learn and Grow

The current state of the Internet as a place for manipulation by large, centralized and wealthy platforms who sell your data, your eyes and your clicks for advertising money is unacceptable. We believe you should be given control over your actions and opinions, and that is a basic human right.

That’s why we exist and why we come to work every day — but we can’t do it alone.

Where the magic happens

The idea

The Primas community is at the heart of this whole movement, it has the potential to be an incredibly valuable resource for each and every member but relies on the guiding hand of a select few.

This is where the Community Ambassadors come in…

Working alongside the Primas team, Community Ambassadors will be exposed to the real blockchain industry — not crypto trading, elaborate scamming and directionless money splashing on “Web 6.0” and “guaranteed 100x bot tips” blah blah.. We actually care about the state of this industry and are working hard to prove its credibility.

More than just being a forum mod

Successful candidates will be meaningfully contributing to the development of a positive movement, receive 1-on-1 and team-based training, as well as expanding their network of contacts and be given the opportunity to travel for events.

How, what, when, why, me?

How: You’re on the Internet, it’s not too hard to get a hold of us! Message on twitter, email:, join the telegram group chat, message whoever sent you this.. Lots of ways but you have to be proactive!
What: There are many different positions for people of different skill sets. Let’s have a chat first and see what works best.
When: Now..?
Why: Do you want to get your foot in the door in the blockchain industry, or China, or looking for something to switch up the monotony of checking your Delta account every day? Maybe you’re looking to gain some experience in a new field or meet new people around the world?
Me: Who else?

Meet the team




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.