Primas Project Weekly Report (May 15, 2018)

4 min readMay 16, 2018


Primas Development

Primas Dapp

  • Structural optimization and content updates;
  • Account registration, account import UI and interactive optimization;
  • Developed pre-authorization modules, including pre-authorization details and pre-authorized recharges;
  • Increased the number of mobile phone bundled to achieve Primas Node agent;
  • Revenue interface detail adjustments;
  • Developed Primas Node revenue and withdrawal capabilities.

Primas Node

  • Personal index now online;
  • Announcement and system notification functions;
  • Mobile phone number verification and binding function;
  • Improvements for reporting process and results display;
  • Database backup and synchronization;
  • Smart contract security review;
  • Ethereum Gas Dynamic Adjustment;
  • Client authentication system development;
  • Node data package function testing online;
  • Node revenue and mortgage equity management;
  • Revenue locking and hosting functions, revenue page revision;
  • Community member ranking page, user details page and user data migration;
  • Discovery page revision, home page recommendation system improvements;
  • Node agent function development, node agent password exemption;
  • Node function interaction process optimization (reduced wait time).

Business Development

On May 11th and 12th, Primas launched their Western marketing initiative with attendance at Ethereal Summit 2018, which brings together adventurous thinkers from all walks of life including builders, philosophers, policymakers, artists, and humanitarians from around the world. Primas’ Marketing Director Tyler Roessel represented the company over the two days while also having the opportunity to present Kitty Lan, VP of Global Development and CTO Gan Lu to strategic partners whom were also in attendance for part of BlockchainWeekNYC.

Kitty Lan, Tyler Roessel, and Gan Lu at Ethereal Summit 2018 in NYC

As part of the Primas Summer Road Show, Kitty Lan and Gan Lu also participated in Google NYC’s “Killer Dapps: and the Future Blockchained World” technology forum in Chelsea Market. CTO Gan Lu had the opportunity to present Primas’ company mission on “Restoring Health to the Internet” while introducing the current Internet ecosystem and the severe fragmentation of information that centralized platforms facilitate. He also touched on the proliferation of ads and promotions on the Internet, and the difficulty users have in accessing trustworthy information.

Primas CTO Gan Lu being interviewed by Boosto CEO Heidi Yu

Primas’ blockchain-based, decentralized technology provides a traceable way for high-quality data and digital content to reach a wider audience. Through economic incentives, the data also becomes digital assets that can be quantified, controlled, and traded to help achieve and protect this quality content. At this stage, Primas has entered the open beta phase and has fostered an ever-growing community of users. Marketing in the United States and Japan has already started, which will help promote Primas to become an even more global company.

Head of global development Kitty Lan speaking at Google NYC

During the Google NYC meet up, Kitty emphasized the introduction of the middle layer of Primas: “As a complete decentralized platform, the Primas project does not rely on a business model, but rather is dependent on the strength of the community to build a healthy Internet environment.” Kitty also revealed during the forum that the Primas MainNet will go online at the end of the month.

Brand Development

Co-sponsor Primas speaking at the Hangzhou Blockchain meet-up

Brand Activities

On May 12th and 13th, Primas, along with ZatGo, Delphy, and Oracle Chain, co-sponsored a Blockchain meetup at Relax Hotel in Hangzhou and Pugongying Convention Center in Shanghai. The event had speakers and attendees from some of the most advanced landing application projects in China. At the event, Primas co-founder Lu Yongqian elaborated on the the problems facing the current content environment: namely, the difficulty to identify, difficulty to spread, and difficulty to realize high-quality content. Through its blockchain technology, content-filtering mechanism, and unique value assessment system, Primas aims to solve all three of these issues through traceability and responsibility.

On May 12th, Primas formally launched the plan for the establishment of a mass media environment. After more than one year’s efforts, the Primas team has independently developed the DTCP protocol Dapp internal test indicators to achieve our desired results. During the internal measurement phase, thousands of media platforms are ready to join the Primas ecosystem.

Media Reports

Operational Progress

Last week, there were 1,641 new articles, 144 new circles, and 1,894 newly added users.


It’s been an exciting week for Primas as we continue to prepare for our imminent launch and spread the word about our project across the globe!

Keep an eye out for new Dapp features and updates as we make final adjustments to Primas before the end of the month.

As always, we thank the Primas community and all of our fellow companies in the industry for their constant support and innovation.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.