Primas Project Weekly Report (May 21, 2018)

4 min readMay 23, 2018


Primas Development

Primas Dapp

  • Optimized the income interface;
  • Fixed the mnemonic word bug;
  • Used API to increase user session verification;
  • Added a function to bind usernames to imported accounts;
  • Optimized UX details;
  • Made changes according to user feedback.

Primas Node

  • Developed and tested the token withdrawal function;
  • Developed PST record list and detailed revenue list;
  • Upgraded the smart contract function;
  • Tested the network against high volume traffic;
  • Fixed server bugs.

Business Development

The Primas team has recently launched a series of overseas promotional activities. The hope is that increasingly more people will partake in creating an environment that promotes the value of trusted content.

Gan Lu, co-founder of Primas, promoting the Primas Project at Google HQ.

From May 14 to 16, Tyler Roessel, the Marketing Director of Primas participated in Consensus 2018, the world’s largest blockchain conference, which was held in New York City. Consensus 2018 is a global blockchain event with over 8,500 participants. After communicating with industry partners at the Ethereal summit the previous week, Primas continued to promote the brand, spread the core mission of “Restoring Health to the Internet,” and lay the foundations for strategic partnerships in the content market.

The Consensus 2018 Conference offered the Primas Team a platform to promote the project.

On May 17th, the Primas team attended the “Blockchain Future Tech” event organized by The Blockchainer at the Lexington Hotel in New York, where Primas co-founder and CTO, Gan Lu, presented a keynote speech and partook in panel discussions.

The Primas team arrived in San Francisco on May 18th, attending another conference at the ZGC International Center where Kitty Lan, Primas co-founder and VP of Global Development, gave a presentation to the local blockchain community.

The Primas team enjoying the California sun at Google, Airbnb, and Facebook’s HQ!

The next day, the team visited the headquarters of Airbnb and Facebook and discussed the Primas project with blockchain enthusiasts at the two companies. They also attended a public meet up at Google’s HQ and presented our mission of “Restoring Health to the Internet.” In the presentation, Gan Lu focused on discussing the “Core of Primas”, the middle layer between the Internet and applications, namely DTCP (Distributed Trusted Content Protocol). The audience actively asked questions and enthusiastically discussed the performance of the Primas middle layer and the Primas economic incentive system.

Brand Development

The Primas 5.20 community meetup in Shenzhen brought users from all over China

Brand Activities

On May 20th, Primas held a community meetup in Shenzhen. The meeting was organized by the Primas community, with local users and fans from Nanning, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou, Foshan, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen actively participating in the meetup. Co-founder Wu Peng was present at the event and thanked the attendees for their continuous support for the Primas project. Primas team member Yang Zhiwei was also in attendance and was able to share his experience with Primas.

The event’s supporters included the 20 Nations League of Blockchain and the Blockchain Education Society, who both conveyed their deep interest in Primas’ underlying protocol technology, with the Blockchain Education Society going on to express their intentions and interest in joining Primas, as well.

Media Reports

Operational Progress

Last week, there were 2,045 new articles, 424 new groups, and 8,555 newly added users.


The Primas team has been hard at work this past week spreading our mission across the international market, and our hard work is paying off! We’re so proud of all we’ve accomplished so far as we continue to grow and establish ourselves in the blockchain community. Stay tuned for more exciting news as we get closer and closer to our main Dapp launch.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.