Primas Weekly Report (Feb 07, 2018)

3 min readFeb 7, 2018


Operation Progress

  • On Feb 1, Mr. Peng Wu, Primas’ co-founder, made an exclusive live broadcast hosted by SV Insight. It was their seventh episode of the “50 lectures of China-US Block-chain Evolution in 2018 (2018中美区块链进化50讲)” focusing on the content protocol. Click here to find the text version.
  • On Feb 4, Primas won the China Blockchain Project award in the Third Blockchain Industry Summit of 2017–2018 China Blockchain Billboard Grand Ceremony (2017–2018中国区块链风云榜盛典暨第三次区块链产业峰会) in Shanghai. This summit conducted an authoritative evaluation of China blockchain industry and rewarded premium projects. Primas’ Chief Business Officer, Ms. Kitty Lan, received the award on behalf of Primas. During her thank you speech she said “Thanks for the recognition of the selection committee. Primas has strong faith that our product determines its value. We are working very hard on executing all projects on the ground, meanwhile, we are building a trusted content protocol ecosystem based on DTCP. In the future, there will be more DApps build on top of the Primas protocol.” Click here to find the details of the summit (Sorry, Chinese only).
Primas’ Chief Business Officer, Ms. Kitty Lan, received the award on behalf of Primas
  • Primas Japan team participated in a series of China-Japan blockchain enterprise technology exchange activities in Tokyo from Jan 31 to Feb 2. Mr. Bury Wang, Primas’ Vice President of Business, introduced Primas projects and current operation status. The audiences include Japanese blockchain startups and large-scale digital media agencies, which were very interested in Primas projects and asked a variety of questions. Some of them strongly encouraged us to launch a Japanese version of the DApp so they could join in the beta after they heard about our Chinese DApp beta.

Product Development Progress

  • Our PST “content miner” recruitment is on fire. Scan below QR code and follow our public Wechat account to receive the link to register for the beta test. We will screen out 200 “content miners” to become the second wave of super users who will get a PST special commemorative gift.

Development Progress

Primas Node

We developed a look-ahead state in the back-end this week, which can improve the user experience.

  • Separation of storage: store information separately, store block data and content-related data separately, so that the two parts of data can be verified with each other. This is to prepare for the decentralization of Primas Node.
  • Look-ahead State: Packing several operations into one transaction before publishing to Blockchain. Transaction confirmation in local storage before block confirmation to reduce responding time.
  • Incentive optimization: Optimized system parameters in terms of current incentive information. At the same time, adding new calculation parameters for the group incentives in order to perfect the group incentive system.
  • Images: A special way of handling image requests was added to accommodate the Chinese internet environment.


Added new features and optimized user experience on the client side.

  • Added Japanese version.
  • On-line image posting and viewing
  • Optimized registration and log-in process.
  • Fixed display issue in “yesterday’s earnings”.
  • Optimized group UI display and interaction.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group ( to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.