Primas Weekly Report (Feb 28, 2018)

3 min readFeb 27, 2018


Operation Progress

  • Our QQ group has nearly 2,000 members already.

On Feb 27, Primas co-founder & CTO Lu Gan appeared in the group and conducted a unique sharing session on blockchain for our users. During the chat, Lu introduced to the users the trust mechanism of the decentralization of the blockchain and answered questions from attendees about Primas, evoking enthusiastic responses from the group.

The Q & A part will be displayed in the second part.

Scan the QR code to join the QQ group chat.

  • Primas pre-registration for our official app launch successfully ended with 47,055 pre-registrations in just seven days. The participants will be announced next week, please stay tuned for the official follow-up announcement.

Product Development Progress

  • The official website of Primas will soon be updated, the new official website will show additional Primas products and information concerning Primas ecosystem, stay tuned!
  • The second batch of Beta-Superusers is underway and the feedback has been overwhelming, those who wish to experience Primas products pre-official release please pay close attention to the recruitment information of the third batch of Superusers.
Display of Premium Articles
  • Some systematic and functional optimizations have been made last week according to the product plan and users feedbacks.

Development Progress

Primas Node

According to the product plan and users’ feedbacks last week, the development of new functions and system optimizations has been carried out. At the same time, some parameters in the incentive model have adjusted accordingly to the incentive data.

  • Developed the search system and messaging system and improved product functions.
  • Optimized back-end interface and improved data security.
  • Optimized the contract and reduced Gas consumption.


  • Developed the search interface, including the search function for authors, articles, and groups.
  • Storage for search history of clients.
  • Developed the messaging interface, including the confirmation message of the articles, the join / exit / kick out message of the group, the daily incentive income message.
  • Preparation for developing Apple Push Notification Service.
  • Tested and developed the graphic mix editor.
  • Fixed bugs in the feedbacks from closed beta users.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group ( to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.