Primas Weekly Report (Jan 17, 2018)

4 min readJan 17, 2018


Operation Progress

  • On the evening of January 12, Mr. Gan Lu, Primas co-founder, was invited to attend a meetup hosted by SV Insight (硅谷密探) in Silicon Valley. At the meetup Mr. Gan Lu introduced Primas’ core technologies, concepts and development prospects to regional blockchain experts and enthusiasts in the United States.
  • On January 13, the Primas team was invited to attend the Cosmos Project Progress Seminar at the University of California, Berkelay, were they had a technical exchange with the Cosmos team.

About Cosmos

Cosmos is an open-source blockchain technology framework, with its team members located in various locations around the world (Silicon Valley, Berlin, etc.) Cosmos utilizes the Cosmos Hub, allowing apps running on top of it to support a greater number of users, and more complex operations.

  • The Primas team attended the blockchain themed event hosted by Tsinghua Silicon Valley Capital and the US-China Association of High-level Professionals on January 14. At the event they discussed with the investors and senior industry experts about the underlying protocol architecture of Primas technology.
First two photos: Primas team discussing with the Cosoms team. Middle photo: Spreading the Primas knowledge to the US blockchain enthusiasts. Bottom left photo: The Primas team talking to Mr. Zhang Yuqing, the partner of Tsinghua Silicon Valley Capital. Bottom right photo:The Primas team exchanging ideas with the US blockchain enthusiasts.
  • On January 13, Mr. Wu Peng, Primas co-founder, gave a guest lecture on how to build credible content ecosystem by using blockchain at JinSe XueYuan’s training course “Blockchain Development and the Future of Blockchain” .
  • On January 14, Mr. Wu Peng, Primas co-founder, was also invited to attend the “Blockchain Bailianhui Summit” hosted by the Blockchain Media. Mr. Wu Peng delivered a keynote speech and discussed the current status and the future of the blockchain industry. After the meeting, Mr. Wu Peng was also interviewed by related media.
  • Primas is invited to attend the Summit Forum of Blockchain in Southeast Asia held on January 19.
  • The first beta users were on fire and provided a lot of valuable suggestions. Our developers have been working around the clock to optimize the product based on their feedback. The second round of beta testing is about to open — Welcome to participate (Chinese version only, sorry)!
Primas product in use
User’s View of Content
Achievements View

Development Progress

Primas Node

Primas Node has been running stable during the open beta this week. We also fixed the bug causing transaction delay. The daily incentive distributions have been completed smoothly. As the next step, we will open more features for testing.

  • Tested the new API and optimized the back-end calling process.
  • Optimized the transaction queue, ensured data transfer order and added retry mechanism when the transaction fails.
  • Tested the Primas Node package transaction feature, which can reduce Node access pressure as well as the transaction costs. The package transaction feature will be available in the next round of beta version.
  • Developed image upload interface, provided graphic content publishing interface.


In order to solve the user experience problems found in the beta, two iterations were conducted for iOS client-side in this week. Enhancing the user experience and improving the detailed function will continue.

  • Primas APP test, iPhone, iPad multi-system version compatibility optimization.
  • List view optimization, optimized the paragraph layout in article content.
  • Interaction details optimization, added feedback and help modules.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group ( to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.