Primas Weekly Report (Jan 24,2018)

3 min readJan 24, 2018


Operation Progress

  • Primas’ co-founder, Mr. Wu Peng, appeared on the latest episode of Sohu talk show “Zhong Kou Shuo Jin(众口说金)”. During the show, he discussed with Mr. Zhou Zihan, Senior Researcher of OK Blockchain Insitute, about the blockchain blueprint. Stay tuned for more details.
  • Primas won the 2018 Outstanding Blockchain Project Award at the 1st Summit Forum of Blockchain in Southeast Asia. The summit, held in Bangkok, Thailand, was organized by China-ASEAN Digital Currency and Blockchain Technology Application Research Institute and hosted by World One Belt and One Road Foundation.
Prince of Thailand personally presented the award
  • Primas was added to the OKex Exchange on January 18 and the Primas Tokens can be traded in the trading pairs: USDT, BTC and ETH. The daily trading volume of PST / USDT is over 10 million RMB. Please follow our public account and OKex’s official announcements for futher information.

Product Development Progress

  • Thanks for the great support of our beta users, Primas product has been improving and now it’s updated to version 1.12(3). We will also add more functions this week. In response to the call of our fans in the community, we will expand the recruitment for the 2nd batch of beta super users. Let’s work together to build even better community!
New version of the home page
New version of groups display
Users’ Feedback
New version of content display
Achievements View

Development Progress

Primas Node

Primas Node has been running stable this week. We are using a new solution to solve the unstable connection issue of parity node. The new version of API is online, its effect will be reflected in the new version this week.

  • The new API is online. We modified the back-end interface based on users’ feedback.
  • Tested the image upload interface.
  • Developed the management functions for the groups and optimized the function points of groups.
  • Tested the group incentive distribution, improved the entire economic system.
  • Based on the historical data, we optimized the weight of each part of the operation in order to make the evaluation of the value of the articles more reasonable.


In order to solve the user experience problems found in the beta, two iterations were conducted for iOS client-side in this week. Enhancing the user experience and improving the detailed function will continue.

  • Optimized the content display on the home page and improved the viewing experience.
  • Fixed the bug in author and commenter names
  • Fixed the incomplete display issue of articles
  • Fixed bug in forwarding group list.
  • Fixed the display of yesterday’s earnings.
  • Fine tuning of UI and interaction details.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.