Primas Weekly Report (Jan 31, 2018)

3 min readJan 31, 2018


Operation Progress

  • Primas’ co-founder, Mr. Gan Lu, and Primas’ commercial business officer, Ms. Kitty Lan, appeared on the first US-China Blockchain Connect Conference in San Francisco on Jan 26, 2018.
  • Primas’ co-founder, Mr. Wu Peng, made a keynote speech — “Reconstruct Digital Content Economy Ecosystem with Blockchain Technology (用区块链重构内容数字经济生态)” at 2018 Shanghai Blockchain Industry Forum (2018上海区块链行业论坛) and was interviewed by the media.
  • Primas is cooperating with链向财经( The people who contribute articles about Primas projects to can obtain PST as incentive bonus. In addition, Primas will reward the authors who contribute high quality articles 188PST as bonus and these authors will have the opportunity to become Primas Super Authors. (see more details on the announcement on
  • The 2nd round recruitment for beta super users will start in the beginning of Feb. Stay tuned for our following event posters.

Product Development Progress

Continued optimizing the product and added new functions.

  • Added support for uploading images.
  • Made “HP” number visible.
  • Enhanced the group management function.
Content Display
Achievements View

Development Progress

Primas Node

The focus of Primas Node development this week was optimizing stability and developing new functions. We also fine-tuned the product based on the users’ feedback received last week.

  • Image upload interface now supports batch upload and original image mode.
  • Opened the group management function to help better manage and maintain group content and members.
  • Designed the push function and message system.
  • Optimized parameters of incentive section.


  • Added more detailed information of groups and the display of their members. Group owner can manage members.
  • Improved the text editing functions and added image post function.
  • Made users’ “HP” numbers visual.
  • Improved the loading performance of article content and fixed the issue of memory overload when loading long articles.
  • Fixed incompatibilities of iPad and iOS 9.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group ( to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.




Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.