Primas Weekly Report (Mar 28, 2018)

4 min readMar 28, 2018


Product Development Progress

Primas APP

  • Optimized notifications system and added push notifications for likes and comments.
  • Added support for one key deletion of unread messages and improved the stability of push notifications.
  • Added functions for sharing articles and groups.
  • Added support for sharing content via WeChat, Weibo, QQ, and iOS Activity system.
  • Added support for redirecting back to the App from the web pages where you share the content from the App.
  • The list of articles in each group now shows the information of the person who forwarded it.
  • Added waits to avoid the problem of repeated operations caused by multiple clicks.
  • Made adjustments to the UI of the article lists to enhance the reading experience.

Primas Node

  • Added support for the web-end editor (you can edit and write content with desktop computers).
  • Modified the sorting algorithm of the discovery page.
  • Developed the sharing feature for groups and articles.
  • Optimized the database and server interfaces to increase the loading speed.
Share the article with one click
Notifications when you receive comments or likes

Business Expansion

  • On March 24, Bury Wang, the head of Primas Japan, was invited to attend Asia-Pacific Blockchain Forum 2018 in Tokyo. During the event, Professor Yukio Noguchi, a famous blockchain researcher in Japan, discussed the Moritomo Gakuen scandal where official government documents were tampered with. He believes that the fundamental solution for tampering issues is to leverage the blockchain technology. This is exactly what Primas DTCP technology is created for. Bury exchanged views with various attendees and experts during the event including the former member of The House of Representatives Tsutomu Takamura. Bury also expressed that Primas team is planning to cooperate with the public and private sector actors in Japan.
Professor Yukio Noguchi addressing the Moritomo Gakuen scandal and how blockchain technology can solve this kind of issues
  • On March 25, Bury, the head of Primas Japan, also exchanged the views on blockchain industry and Primas project with famous Japanese altcoin influencer Miss Bitcoin Mai. She was strongly interested in Primas’s DTCP and its economic incentive system. Primas will have an in-depth cooperation with Mai to further develop the Japanese market.
Bury and Miss Bitcoin Mai

Branding Building

  • On March 22, Primas co-founder Peng Wu was invited to make an exclusive online speech organized by KongTi New Media Lab (空体新媒体实验室), where Peng thoroughly explained the blockchain knowledge and its applications.
  • On March 24, Primas co-founder Peng Wu went to Shenzhen and gave another lecture in the “Blockchain & Innovation Forum” held by KongTi New Media Lab Shenzhen branch.
Peng Wu giving the speech and talking during the roundtable discussion
Peng Wu was surrounded by Primas fans

Primas on Media

Operation Progress

Product close-beta progress

  • Last week, 430 new articles were published and 33 new Groups were created; the highest revenue for a single article was 4469 PST.

Primas international operation team is now operational. Join our Telegram group ( to participate in the discussion and learn more about the project.

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Restoring health to the Internet using blockchain, big data, NLP and plenty of sass.