What is A Smart Display?

Primekut Technologies
3 min readDec 13, 2022


Google Nest Hub Max

You may wonder: What is a smart display? Smart displays or tablets? Best buy?

Answering the first question: A smart display is a home automation-connected touch screen gadget. Upgraded smart speaker. It follows voice commands like a smart speaker. Watch videos, monitor security cameras, and make video calls.

We’ll compare smart speakers to tablets, explain which is best, and recommend the best smart display for your house if you buy one.

How do smart displays work?

How a smart display works is the next question. Smart displays control smart home equipment via voice commands like smart speakers. Screens offer more functionality. Video chats, music, and web searches are also possible with some devices. Unlike tablets, most have touchscreens and may be used hands-free.

Tablets vs. Smart displays

Tablets can install speech assistants and video apps, but they’re not designed for smart systems. Tablets are transportable and multipurpose.

Smart displays are designed to interact with your smart home system and be easy to use right away. No applications or integration issues — just talk to them. You can’t take smart home displays with you because they’re connected to your smart home.

Popular Smart Display Brands

You have many options for the greatest smart display. More companies are entering the area, offering various features at various prices.

Lenovo invented smart home displays. The company introduced smart speakers with screens. Lenovo products control smart home devices using Google Assistant voice commands. They can share recipes and make video calls.

Google Nest Hub models link to your smart home, allow video calls, and offer popular Google services like YouTube TV and Music and the Google Assistant. No browser.

Facebook Portal is a smart display for Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Workplace communication. It has Alexa voice commands, but it’s harder to connect and control your smart home.

Amazon Echo Show smart home displays feature Alexa and Amazon’s movie library. Touchscreen and browser. Watch live security camera feeds and operate smart home devices. They also are set up for video phone calls.

7 Things to Consider Before Purchasing A Smart Display for Your House

Several elements determine the best home smart display. If you want smart home benefits, you might choose a different gadget than if you want entertainment and information. Smart displays may be worthwhile smart home equipment.

1. Intended use
Do you plan to use your device to control smart home gadgets and automate your home? Will you use it for weather, recipes, and trivia? Watch videos, make video calls, or surf the web. The device’s use will determine many of your selections.

2. Size
Smart home displays can match your environments. You may buy a small one that is as big as a clock for your nightstand and you can find others as large as a small television to install on your wall.

3. Resolution
You may desire a higher-resolution screen for video calls and viewing. High-resolution screens may not be worth the investment.

4. Cost
4. Cost Low-end models cost under $100, while high-end ones cost over $300. They cost like smart speakers. The increased capability of video isn’t a major add-on expenditure.

5. Sound quality
Smart display speaker quality varies. Buy a brand with great sound if you like music. Some are basic home automation interfaces without high-fidelity speakers.

6. Energy Consumption
Smart speakers are energy-efficient. This display’s lighting consumes most energy. If idle for a while, most gadgets turn off the display to save battery. While in standby, these devices use electricity. If you want to conserve energy in your house and optimize power utilization as part of your smart home energy-saving strategy, the device may be worth it. It uses energy yet saves more.

7. Extra Features
Some models have little features. Others have apps that track your sleep, display security camera footage, or enable video conferencing.



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