How to Get Started with Your Etsy Store

Hot off the Press
Published in
5 min readSep 18, 2018

Launching an Esty store of your own allows you to share your products with the world right from the comfort of your own home. Managing a new Etsy store is possible by becoming familiar with the platform and creating a plan for your own shop’s future. With over 35.8 million active buyers and 81% are repeat customers, learning how to start an Etsy shop is a way to put your skills and abilities to use while gaining financial freedom with your own unique creations.

Choose a Fitting and Unique Name

Before launching a new Etsy shop, consider your store’s name and what it means to you. Is your store’s name unique and fitting for the type of products and services you plan to provide? How does your brand’s logo resonate with your shoppers? Does your brand’s name stand out from your competition? Is your store name is easy to spell and easy to remember? Answering the above questions can help you come up with a name that fits your direction and overall plan.

Register an Official Domain Name

Once you choose and register an Etsy store name, register the same name as an official domain. Before settling on an Etsy store name, verify that the same domain name is also available with a domain registrar you trust. Registering an official domain name is useful to boost your shop’s rankings within search engines while also providing alternative methods for users to discover your store.

Use Professional Graphics and Photography

Standing out from others who have shops on Etsy is not an easy task, especially if you are new to selling goods from home. When you launch an Etsy store, research products that are similar to your own on the service itself to compare the type of graphics and photography most commonly used. Use high-quality imagery for all of the photos you upload to your Etsy shop to prevent missing out on the opportunity to appeal to a wider audience online. With thousands of shopping items available on the market and when using sites such as Etsy, sharing eye-catching and professional design is a must. The more appealing your shop photography is, the easier marketing becomes when launching and promoting a new product in your store.

Research Keywords and Pricing in Your Market

Spend time researching keywords and phrases that are the most popular and trendy in your market and niche. Keyword research is necessary at all times when building an online presence or launching an Etsy store. Research keywords and phrases that are most relevant to your shop at least weekly to stay ahead of your competition while remaining relevant within search engine results.

Track the effectiveness of keywords used in item names and descriptions to determine the best way to appeal to your prospective customers. Keep track of the best keywords and phrases that work for you when promoting products along with the time of year users are searching for the terms.

Set Reasonable Goals

Set reasonable and attainable goals when first launching your Etsy store. Reasonable goals may range from 1 sale per week to 1 sale each month depending on your current following and advertising budget. Avoid setting unrealistic goals to prevent yourself from feeling discouraged if you are unable to generate sales and revenue when you first begin managing an Etsy store. How to be successful on Etsy rarely occurs overnight, which is why it is important to remain committed and dedicated to building your brand and the following that surrounds you on social media when first getting started.

Design Custom Hang Tags With Your Branding Strategy

Consider designing custom hang tags to improve your Etsy store’s branding strategy. Custom hang tags allow you to stand out from the competition while creating an overall look and aesthetic to help set you apart from other similar companies and brands in your industry. Choose a logo and font that best represents your brand when printing custom hang tags to catch the eye of shoppers while providing your business with a professional reputation.

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“I just adore my custom Primoprint hang tags! They add the perfect finishing touch to my hats.” — Courtney Flynn

Consider designing custom hang tags to improve your Etsy store's branding strategy.

View Flynnknit Etsy Shop

Launch Promotions and Contests Using Social Media

Launch promotions and contests for your Etsy shop using your brand’s social media pages. Share contests and promotional updates on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram to maximize your online reach while also encouraging followers to share and participate in your posts and updates. Require contest participants to “like” and “share” your promotional update to gain additional online exposure while also spreading the word of your brand to additional users at no cost to you.

Offer Discounts on Social Media

Offer discounts to followers on social media to promote users to follow your brand while encouraging loyal fans to remain interested in what you have to say. Share discount codes and coupons to social media followers to keep them coming back for more content in the future. Offer additional discounts and exclusive offers to those who also subscribe to your website’s newsletter.

Create an Update Schedule

Create an update schedule or calendar to avoid forgetting about your blog posts, email newsletters, and social media pages. Having a calendar in place is a way to ensure you remain active with your followers and prospective customers without spending days or weeks away from an online platform. Build a trusting relationship by consistently communicating with your followers and fans on social media and your website’s official blog.

Connect With Followers and Customers on Social Media

Connect and communicate with followers and customers using your brand’s social media pages. Share your official Etsy shop link on your social media profiles while communicating directly with your followers or individuals who have questions, comments, or concerns regarding your business. Answer inquiries and respond to input from followers directly on your social media pages, showcasing transparency and trustworthiness to visitors. Using social media to connect with followers is one of the best ways to gain additional interest and traction for your newly-launched Etsy store.

Knowing how to launch and properly manage an Etsy shop is essential to creating an online presence for your business and brand. Using Etsy is a great way to maximize your online exposure while delivering items that are loved and desired by your target audience. Make sure you take a look at @EtsySuccess on Instagram for advice and inspiration for successfully running your Etsy shop.

Originally published at Primoprint Blog.

