5 Reasons To Use Banners and Standing Banner Displays at Conferences

Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)
6 min readMay 7, 2018


When you’re at a trade show or a conference, you’re going to be surrounded by a lot of other businesses trying to stand out.

Find out why you should consider using banners or standing banner displays at your next conference or trade show.

Banners or standing banner displays are absolute necessities when attending a trade show or conference.

If you don’t believe that, just walk through any event hall and look at all of those boothsand tables smooshed up against one another.

How do you tell where one starts and the other begins?

Yet many exhibitors fail to adequately plan, and as a result, miss out on the many advantages of this simple yet effective marketing tool.

In the following article, we hope to make sure you’re not among them.

Let’s roll with the five reasons you absolutely must travel with your display in tow.

1. To Draw Attention to Your Exhibit

Video Game Enthusiast lining up for WiGi Intl Event

Never been to a trade show or conference?

Then you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity to build brand awareness, engage potential clients or customers, and create profitable relationships.

Consider for a moment just how large the potential audience of a trade show is. One report notes that half of the 200 largest shows in the United States take place in three cities: Las Vegas, Chicago, and Orlando.

Throw a place like Los Angeles into the mix, and you’re talking about more than 75 million potential customers, all within driving distance. And that doesn’t factor in the people who may be traveling from halfway across the world to be at the event!

But to begin taking advantage, you must first let people know you’re actually there.

Choosing to display your banner or standing banner display in a prominent position with your branding near the top is the way to go. This can ensure every eyeball at the event has the potential to see you’re open for business.

2. To Quickly Communicate Key Benefits and Value

Standing Banner Displays & Branding at Entrance

Another advantage of showing off your banner at a trade show or conference is the ability to quickly encapsulate the reasons that your potential customer should be paying attention to you.

Don’t make the audience work for it. The rise of social media has given way to shorter and shorter attention spans.

In fact, one study found the human attention span to have shrunken to that of a goldfish.

I personally don’t believe this is necessarily true or something negative, however, if you think about it as adapting to the speed in which new technologys and communication have advanced over the past 10 years.

Capturing Attention for your business or organization is now more valuable than before.

As a business owner producing valuable content that can help you in any way leads to new and expanding business opportunities and long-term business relationships.

Micro speed.

Until you have the customer engaged, your window of opportunity is very small.

If we are moving at micro speed you have less than 10 seconds to capture your Audience Attention.

So use short, bulleted lists when designing your display. Make sure each item reflects a pain point of your target audience and offers or teases at the solution.

Think about the intent or outcome you want and word your bulleted list based on the value your organization provides for people.

3. To Expand Your Reach

Branding for Global Commerce and Network

Put yourself in the position of the trade show audience.

They walk into an event center with potentially millions in square footage to cover.

They’re inundated with hundreds of other exhibitors and booths, to the point of hitting sensory overload.

The chance of them stopping at and exploring each booth is small. In fact, after two or three hours of walking, even the most seasoned could find themselves looking for excuses to turn around and head to the car in hopes of beating the lunch and dinner crowds at any of the nearby restaurants.

Advertising Flags and Banners at conferences can help call attention to your booth before they act on that urge, even if they’re located on the opposite side of the event center. To pull this off, your display should:

  • Show your brand or logo, particularly if it’s recognizable and trusted
  • Use vibrant colors that won’t confuse the messaging or disorient the visuals
  • Offer a memorable slogan that speaks to where the attendee is mentally
  • Be bold enough in font or imagery to be viewable from a long distance
  • Have a spacial awareness and be displayed high enough with Advertising Flags to circumvent potential obstructions (i.e., poles, other displays)

4. Branding To Make the Most of Your Downtime

Standing Banner Displays

Every booth needs a human touch.

But the keyword is “human,” and your team of humans are going to be limited by things like breaks for meals and bathroom trips.

Use a standing banner display, and this problem can take care of itself.

It does this by allowing your booth to attract and inform potential customers even when no one is minding the store.

A skillfully designed and constructed display will whet the appetite of your target audience. If the display is compelling enough, they’ll make a point of stopping back by the booth when staff is available.

Or, if the person is in a hurry, they can retrieve contact information and follow up at a time that is convenient for them.

Either way, it helps you and the potential customer make the most of staff downtime by ensuring your booth is working 100 percent of the time.

5. To Empower Your Team

Step & Repeat Banners for WiGi International

Selling your business, product, or service is tricky business.

Even when you make your living at it, there always is a sense of apprehension at being viewed as pushy or annoying.

This pressure is somewhat less at a trade show or conference, but it’s still there. And your team will feel it with each new prospect.

Using a banner or standing banner displays can serve as a great icebreaker for the more timid among them.

When the display catches someone’s eye, it’s easier to pick up on visual cues and approach the person with a greater sense of confidence.

Your team will feel more empowered in the approach as well as in talking about the products or services you’re offering. After all, the display can serve as their very own “cheat sheet” before, during, and after each interaction.

When Ready to Invest in Banners or Standing Banner Displays

Banners or standing banner displays can do much to grow your presence at a conference or trade show. But you have to take the design elements seriously.

This is your brand’s identity we’re talking about here. You need to think of it as an investment. Demand much from the people who want your business.

At Los Angeles Print & Design, we know how important branding and image are, and we pour everything we have into each project. Some of our clients include Pollo Loco Restaurant Group, Krispy Kreme, Wells Fargo, Dentists, Pharmacies, Auto Body Shops, Restaurants Franchise, and Startups.

We understand that each field is unique and deserves a unique approach. Email us today at info@laprintanddesign.com for more information. And for extra tips on how you can make the most of your next Los Angeles-based trade show, we’ve got you covered.

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Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)

We help businesses, entrepreneurs & social media influencers with their trade show booths, branding apparel & quality merch. www.laprintanddesign.com