9 Low Cost or Free Advertising Ideas for New Businesses.

Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)
6 min readAug 7, 2019


9 Low Cost or Free Advertising Ideas for New Businesses
Looking to spread the word of your up-and-coming business venture?

Here are 9 low-cost or free advertising ideas to meet your marketing budget!

Did you know that small businesses actually account for 99.7% of all businesses in the United States?

As you are no doubt already aware, this means the competition is fierce. These days, competition comes not only from your community but from the entire world — thanks to the ubiquity of the internet and how easy it has made shopping.

On the positive side, the internet has also provided small business owners with a wealth of free advertising ideas. It is easier than ever to promote your product or service on a grassroots level. Read on to find out some of the best ways to get more bang for your advertising buck!

1. Create Compelling Content

In the early days of the internet, it was easy to buy backlinks, publish spun content, or otherwise game the Google system.

That’s no longer true. Make sure that your marketing efforts aren’t wasted by publishing useful, educational, and entertaining content.

Remember that “content” doesn’t have to mean written material.

While posting regular blogs on your website will boost your appeal to both customers and search engines, there are other options.

Have a staff member who’s skilled in graphic design create an infographic. Repost trending videos, provocative tweets, or viral articles that pertain to your industry.

2. Use the Power of Video

Video is such an effective way to advertise that it deserves its own discussion.

By next year, video is estimated to account for fully 80% of consumer Internet traffic.

That’s a pretty incredible percentage!

How can you get in on the video trend?

Creating your own video content might sound daunting, but it’s actually not that difficult.

Remember that many people will watch them without sound, so if the sound is necessary to understand or enjoy the video, tell viewers to turn up the volume in the written description of the video.

Keep your videos on the short side.

And be sure to include a call to action at the video’s end, for maximum consumer engagement.

3. Engage with Your Followers

Speaking of engagement, it’s important to note that this is key to marketing success in the internet age.

Your followers and friends expect your social media efforts to speak to them directly. People enjoy giving their feedback and opinion, so ask for it!

Encourage followers to retweet, share, and comment on posts. Respond to those comments, and keep the conversation going whenever possible.

Developing custom hashtags is another great way to engage with potential clients or customers.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask followers what type of content they want to see from you! User-driven advertising and marketing is incredibly effective.

4. Hold Social Media Contests

You can easily get the word out about your business by holding contests on social media.

Give away a gift certificate, or a specific product or service, to the winner. Hand outcustom printed t-shirts to every participant.

Contests are easy to develop for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

If you can turn your contest into a regular event (i.e. “Cute Pet of the Month”), so much the better.

This is one of the free advertising ideas that really drives visitors to your site, so don’t skip it.

5. Host an Event or a Class

Want to get people through the door of your brick-and-mortar store? Host an event or a class.

This can be as simple as handing out hot cocoa and doughnuts on Small Business Saturday, or as in-depth as a master workshop led by your in-house experts.

Take part in street fairs, festivals, annual fundraisers, and other events. Be sure to publicize your event on social media, and develop a hashtag for it, too!

6. Donate Goods or Services to a Worthy Cause

Getting involved with your community is a fantastic idea from a marketing standpoint. Whenever you are asked to donate goods or services to a fundraiser, do so enthusiastically.

Even better, reach out to local charities and ask what they need. Customers respond well to businesses that support charitable organizations.

If they know a certain percentage of their purchase will support a good cause, they’re more likely to spend freely.

7. Partner with Another Business

You know the old saying, “Two heads are better than one?” That goes for small businesses, too.

A reciprocal arrangement with another local business can boost sales for both of you.For example, a small cinema could give out percent-off coupons to a neighboring coffee shop.

A bakery might offer a free cup of coffee if you show your movie ticket stub.

If you run a wine shop, partner with a local cheesemonger to hold a weekly wine-and-cheese tasting.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow small business owners; you just never know who might become an advertising ally.

8. Take Advantage of Local SEO Services

Hiring a company to provide SEO services isn’t necessarily low-cost, but there are a few things you can do on your own to boost your digital marketing profile.

Claiming your business on local directories is one of them.

Make the most of Yelp, Google My Business, and any industry-specific directories or listings.

Optimize your website for mobile so you can be found by consumers on the go.

9. Don’t Forget About Email Marketing

Email marketing campaigns are surprisingly effective.

Like the previous tip, this one might require an upfront investment, but it’s worth it.

That’s especially true if you offer email subscribers a coupon, freebie, or other valuable item just for signing up to your mailing list.

Cross-promotion is also essential.

In your email newsletters, include links to the content you posted on social media, more information about contests, giveaways, or upcoming sales and special offers.

Final Thoughts About Free Advertising Ideas
While it’s generally true that you get what you pay for, there are plenty of free advertising ideas.

They will help get customers through your door, increase your social media engagement, and contribute to the community.

Want a sneak peek at what some other small businesses have done to advertise their goods and services?

Check out our gallery of custom printed t-shirts to jump-start your own creativity!



Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)

We help businesses, entrepreneurs & social media influencers with their trade show booths, branding apparel & quality merch. www.laprintanddesign.com