Are Printed T Shirts Effective Marketing Tools?

Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)
10 min readApr 9, 2018

Note: If you would like to order any of the t shirts mentioned in this article, you can click on the blue t shirt links and they will take you to our online catalog.

Here you can place your order and request a quote. Our minimum purchase order for t-shirts is 12 pieces.

Our Top 5 Quality Blank T Shirts to us for Printing Click the Link.

In this article we’ll discuss why Premium Quality T- Shirts make Great Marketing Tools, and how they can work for you long after your initial investment.

Advertising with quality t-shirts can be one of your best marketing tools and tactic to promote your local business and create a quality driven brand in the process.

It helped me strike up business conversations

If done right your branded t-shirts can become the gateway to meeting new people and sharing your business story.

Branded t shirts have a magic in creating natural conversation which can lead to a marketing and branding opportunity without having to force a sales pitch.

The t shirt is the business card of introverts.

Plus a nice high quality t-shirt like the Alternative 1070 stands out not only in the cut and fit but in the look and feel of the fabric when compared to a regular $15 t shirt.

For quality merchandise the t shirts we mention and recommend in this post are subtle and casual in style, but the fabrics used on these t shirts are more refined and softer on the hand when compared to other t shirts.

Growing up I noticed the differences and subtleties in clothing textures and fabrics and how certain fabrics and textures affected my mood. The itchy and rougher the fabrics were, the more it would ruin my day.

At 6 years old I had no choice… I was forced by mom at the time to wear rough, itchy and uncomfortable t-shirt’s that I did not like.


We’ve seen, felt and printed on thousands of t shirts, and were confident in picking a cool looking, High Quality T Shirts that you can wear out any day of the week with a nice blazer.

You can wear these t shirts out for a professional business meeting or romantic dinner with your date, either way people will notice the quality of these t shirts.

T shirts that shrink, itch or fade are forbidden in our house.

And if I feel this way, there has to be other people who agree that an uncomfortable t shirts are donated immediately or end up as a car wash rag. However we wouldn’t wash our cars with rough itchy t shirts, they might scratch the paint.

People look at these shirts differently.

Quality T Shirts As Marketing Tools

If you’re looking to boost your marketing and advertising to a larger audience, find 1 person that you follow on social media that has 50k+ followers online and send them your t shirt as a gift.

50K+ followers is a good measure because this means the people with 50K + followers are moreaccessible to you and I, than someone with a million+ social media followers.

This is how we where able to print for Grant Cardone and John Chow, who have more than 500K+ followers combined online.

In the video below, Grant Cardone is Wearing the Independent Polytech Cashflow Hoodie we printed for him recently.

After sending Grant some of our best t shirts with his signature Cardone Zone logo printed on them.

We were able to get a shout out and a decent amount of exposure from Grant Cardone on one of his recorded online shows, Young Hustlers.

Reaching out to social influencers like Grant Cardone introduced us to new people by shouting us out and giving us a quick plug on his show. We were able to generate sales and orders as a direct result from sending Grant a good quality t shirt.

We also provided John Chow with custom t-shirts, in the video below you will see John Chow’s domain name printed on the chest area.

Since we printed 24+ different color t-shirts for John, he’s able to wear a different color high quality t shirt every day of the week, and he does most of the time.

By displaying his domain name front and center for people to see in camera view, the logo works as a secondary marketing and branding tool in all of John’s videos.

The video below is from world-famous Blogger and Internet Marketer John Chow, from

We printed these t shirts for him because his previous t shirts were fading and getting worn out, John also mentioned he wanted a high quality t shirt that wont fade or shrink so we suggested the Bella Canvas 3001 for the job.

The t shirt does the selling for you.

Why High Quality T Shirts?

People in the U.S. especially in big city’s people will judge you by the clothes you wear.

So your first impression counts.

By paying attention to what people wear we can identify instantly the team they root for, the type of music they like or the type of business they support.

A Good Quality T Shirt Stands Out.

When you see someone wearing a t-shirt you really like, you are more likely to go up to them and start a conversation and they are more likely to remember you by associating a visual component to your conversation.

Why…? Branding anchors people visually.

A common connection that two people share creates an easy conversation.

This is why you need to use good quality t shirts as advertising and a marketing tool included in your business plan. High Quality T-shirts feel good, last longer and fit better than regular t shirts after washing.

A simple compliment or question about your t-shirt can lead to a conversation which can lead to a new lead and then a new customer.

So let’s look at the benefits of advertising with premium quality t-shirts, so they look and feel good, to the people who actually wear them.

How Will T-Shirt Advertising Help Me?

There are many benefits to branding your t-shirts, and the investment won’t take too long to pay off.

High Quality t-shirts are good for any day and any type of occasion, but for the sake of discussion, we are going to look at how personalized t-shirts can make a big difference during a conference or other event.

So let’s start off by calling them what they really are.

Just getting two or three people to wear your shirt during an event (which could even be you or some of your team) can catch a lot of attention.

Because you’re constantly moving around and going to different parts of the building, people will see you everywhere.

Walking Billboards.

Even better, the same people could see you multiple times, which will leave a lasting impression and a subconscious familiarity in their minds.

If you don’t like the idea of wearing your own shirt or don’t think you’ll have an opportunity to get around much during the event, you can give them away to people.

And if they are nice t-shirts you can bet they will wear your t shirt often.

This will instantly create word of mouth marketing without having to say anything, quality apparel stands out right away.

The t shirt does the selling for you, the person that wears your t shirt is a sort of representative, or vouches for your business in a way.

Its social proof and shows confidence when building your brand, something that will especially benefit startup companies.

Any shirt you get someone to wear is another walking advertisement for your business, think of it as free PR if the right person is wearing your t shirt.

Start Conversations

Remember how people ask about shirts they like?

This can work nicely in your favor if you have a good shirt (which you will. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about that soon).

The more creative your clothing, the more likely other people will ask about them.

Odds are, they’ll want one of the shirts for themselves, and you’ll be able to direct them to your company.

Even if they are just curious about the brand, this gives you an opportunity to introduce someone new to your company.

This person could turn into a new lead, and that new lead could turn into a new client.

The Shirt Works Even When You Don’t

We now know, that you can multiply your marketing efforts by giving the shirts away at trade shows and events.

People like free stuff but especially love free gifts that are quality products.

Just by other people seeing your shirt on another person creates social proof, a non verbal visual word of mouth.

It’s a slow build however every time the person goes out in public with your shirt on and stands in line or goes to the store, or go out to eat wearing your shirt you can grab attention.

And this doesn’t have to be limited to business-related events.

If you’re traveling on a train, bus, or plane, leave that shirt folded on top of your luggage so everyone can see it.

This way you’re “working” even when you’re not working.

What Makes a Good Advertising T-Shirt?

Most people can tell the difference between a good quality advertising shirt and a bad one, but a good rule of thumb is this: if the shirt doesn’t catch your attention in a glance, it’s not one of the good types.

Because your company is unique, there is no exact recipe that makes an advertising shirt great. But the good ones do all have a few things in common.

They’re Good Quality

A better quality t shirt feels soft and comfortable, will last longer and look better over time than the cheap t shirt.

If you buy cheap shirts it shows in the material and in the comfort. And yes you will save some money by choosing a lesser quality t shirt but if the people who actually wear them don’t like the way it fits or feels, they will be less likely to wear them often.

The better quality t shirt will be chosen every time over the cheaper quality shirt.

There Design is Simple

Be fun. Be creative. Make your t shirt worth something people will actually want to wear.

But don’t go over the top.

Though you don’t want your shirt to be boring, you also don’t want it to be overwhelming. Stick to a simple, yet eye-catching design.

They Incorporate the Brand

Obviously, your shirt should represent your brand, values, and mission.

If it doesn’t do this, people won’t be able to connect your shirt with your company.

They Send a Message

This is something you want people to know about your company.

First impressions make a big difference, so make sure the one people get is good.

How to Get People to Wear My T-Shirt

There are two important groups that you want to have in your advertising shirts, and that’s your customers and your team.

Here are a few tips that will get them both wearing your shirts.


People like getting free t-shirts, so come up with a few ways you can give your free shirt to them.

For example, you can

Take a free trial and get a free t-shirt.

Give them as gifts to people who work with you.

Send them as thank you presents for loyal customers.

Have a social media contest and give a free t-shirt as one of the prizes.

Hand them out to friends you know will wear them.

There are a bunch of different ways you can get creative with this and find new opportunities to give out your shirts.

Your Team

Giving your team t-shirts isn’t going to be hard, so let’s focus on why your team needs them.

They will speak kindly of the company to others.

Branded shirts inspire unity in the workplace, and this can improve productivity.

When their friends see the shirts, they will want some too.

Your team can be one of your best marketing tools, so don’t overlook giving your shirt to them.

Don’t Pass Up Advertising T-Shirts

Getting people to wear your branded shirts can be a great market technique. They excite people, and they aren’t that expensive to make. Next time you need a new marketing idea, consider designing your own t-shirt.

Looking for a good place to print your t-shirt design?

Check out some of our services.

If you have any questions feel free to get in touch email us at



Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)

We help businesses, entrepreneurs & social media influencers with their trade show booths, branding apparel & quality merch.