Walking Billboards: 11 Reasons Why You Need Company T Shirts for Better Brand Recognition

Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)
9 min readJun 12, 2019


Most small businesses invest 1% of their revenues into their marketing strategies each year.

Put simply, a business with $500,000 worth of revenue would invest $5,000 into marketing.

$5,000 isn’t a ton of money.

Especially if you’re investing in marketing strategies such as PPC (pay-per-click).

But there are ways to make your marketing dollar go further.

One effective strategy is to invest in company t-shirts that are branded and used by your employees to market and advertise outside of your work environment.

Promotional merchandise when done correctly can help you build your brand organically and remain well within your budget.

If you’re still not convinced, keep reading.

We’re sharing with you 11 reasons why marketing swag helps you build your brand.

1. Company T Shirts Create Lasting Awareness

One reason to invest in company branded tees is that it helps create lasting awareness and team loyalty.

Branded swag isn’t just used once and then discarded.

Instead, most promotional products such as printed t-shirts, water bottles, and pens are used often and expose your business logo repeatedly to people in your network.

A well-made quality t-shirt could mean continued marketing for years.

You can also expect people to continue to wear it when the quality is good and the t-shirt fits comfortably.

It’s worth investing in decent marketing apparel to ensure your employees and advertising efforts last a long time and get seen by the people in your community.

Your business logo demonstrates social proof and builds trust with the people you serve.

2. Advertising on Valuable Space

People typically glance at billboards and other forms of advertising.

We pay attention to the brand’s other people wear and use in their daily lives.

That makes the human body the ultimate valuable, mobile space when it comes to marketing and advertising.

A branded t-shirt also shows that people are aware of your business, someone in the community approves of your company enough to wear and vouch for your business.

A good quality t-shirt that is comfortable to wear out in public is another option when marketing a corporate brand locally.

If you’re lucky enough to get the right influencer to wear and/or use your t shirt and swag you could reach hundreds if not, thousands of people to view your t-shirt and other branded merchandise.

Youll find influencers on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms that match your company’s values.

Once you find the right person, reach out to them and ask if you can send them your t-shirt or product for an honest review. Negotiate a price and discuss your terms to come to an agreement.

Ask them to demonstrate your product on video so your customers can see how your product works.

There are also actors online that will review your product for a fee, you can find some on Fiver.com.

Price can range anywhere from $57- $150+ on Fivver depending on the quality of video production and the talent reviewing your product.

In a higher production, commercial rates can start anywhere from $5K — $15K+.

At these rates, you get better cameras, talent, and a scripted video commercial that you can publish online, local tv and other platforms.

3. Boosts Employee Morale

Swag promotions aren’t just for your target market.

Instead, you can use them as thank you gifts to give to your employees.

It’s the perfect way to show appreciation for their hard work.

You can also use your branded apparel as a form of motivation by implementing an awards program within your company.

Your company t-shirt also creates a group identity and a team environment if you print t-shirts for your employees.

Are you celebrating a big milestone in your business?

Commemorate that milestone with a company t-shirt and swag for your employees.

Print your logo on the front left chest of the t-shirt and the celebration on the back part of the shirt.

When your employees are standing at the bank, grocery store, burger joint, the people standing behind your employee can read and know about your company.

The big milestone you broke through and achieved as a team, you now share it with people out in public!

Find something that holds a high value to employees but won’t cost you a ton of money.

Promotional items such as movie gift certificates to branded sweaters can help boost company morale.

4. Customers Become Free Sales People

If you’re going to invest in branded swag, make sure it’s something eye-catching.

You want marketing swag that’s so useful or so amazing looking that your customers want to wear or use the item.

When that happens, suddenly you have a ton of salespeople walking around advertising your company.

Best of all, you don’t have to pay for them to do so! It’s influencer marketing at its best. We believe T Mobil is a good example of branding and wearing your business on your back.

5. It’s Three Dimensional

T-shirts, travel mugs, and pens are all three-dimensional items.

In the digital age when giveaways tend to show up as email links and discount codes.

Branded t shirts with your business logo and other physical promotional items you can feel and touch serve as a great reminder of your brand.

As long as there is a physical interaction with your promotional item, the person looking at it will know about your business.

A tactile, personalized item that’s also meaningful is way more interesting than a digital promotion or a thank you card.

Gift the t-shirt that keeps on branding

6. Cost-Effective

Manufacturers of swag items keep their prices low because they know their audience intends the products for mass distribution.

And business swag is reusable which makes it even more affordable.

But the best part is that according to studies, 85% of people buy from companies after they’re given branded swag.

That’s compared to 55% of people who did business with a company without receiving swag.

7. Brings About Greater Exposure

Those same studies show that eight in 10 consumers own one to 10 swag items.

And that 53% of them use that promotional merchandise at least once a week.

And the majority keep these items for at least two years.

That’s a lot of time to bring about a lot of exposure to your company.

if it’s a good quality t-shirt it will last longer and get better with age.

That’s why we recommend printing your logo on the best quality t-shirt your employees and customers will love to wear.

Getting employees to wear your t-shirt is easy so why not use that opportunity for them to represent your company while they are out in public.

Having your employees become representatives outside of work hours is a great way to get exposure and added promotion for your business.

8. Better than a Business Card

While business cards are great and useful, it’s also easy to lose them.

And many people just toss business cards away, especially once they put the person’s information in their cell.

But a promotional product contains most of the same information you put on your business card.

And while some people will toss away those items, most keep promotional products.

Remember that it’s much harder to toss away a completely useful pen than it is a piece of paper.

When you give you are employing the law of reciprocity with your customers.

Giving out free t-shirts at a tradeshow, works!

I was attending a trade show in Las Vegas and thehoth.com a vendor, gave me a free good quality t-shirt with a cool design to take home with me.

I wore the t-shirt every week and that reminded me about what they did and how they can help a business like mine that is online.

I did my research and looked into their products and services.

We started doing business with them the following month.

We are now going to open up a second account with them and it all started with a $15 — $20 dollar t-shirt they gave away in Las Vegas to 200 other people at that trade show.

9. Great for Expanding Your Business into New Markets

If you’re launching a new product or service, you have to spread the word in a way that’s highly effective but within your budget.

The easiest way to do that is through t shirt promotions.

But your swag marketing efforts are only useful if you give away items that are actually useful to your target market.

If your goal is to reach new customers, pick promotional items they’ll want to use and wear out in public.

A branded t-shirt, a hoodie a hat or a pen, these are all useful to get your logo out into the public and advertise throughout the day.

A logo or symbol can cross many language barriers and cultures.

Use your logo to promote in different countries and events across the world for brand exposure.

10. Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Promotional merchandise is another form of word of mouth marketing.

Every consumer who wears or uses your swag items is helping you promote your business.

That’s because we trust the opinions of others and buy based on a social proof when the product is good quality.

That’s why online reviews and customers testimonials are so effective.

Also, the person wearing or using the item isn’t going to launch a pushy sales pitch on the people they come across.

Instead, it’s just a silent endorsement for your company that speaks volumes all on its own.

11. Creative Way to Marketing Your Business

With swag items, you get to be as creative as you want to be.

While too many colors on a business card may not work, it’s perfect on a t-shirt.

You can also get creative with what types of swag you choose to give away.

Everything from lip balm to eye masks to umbrellas works as creative ways to capture the attention of your audience.

How to Use Swag Effectively

Start by setting a budget.

This will help you determine what items you can afford to choose from.

Next, consider your target market.

Determine who they are, what they like, and what swag items they’re most likely to use.

Keep longevity in mind when figuring out which products to invest in.

A cheaply made pen won’t last very long but a well-made t-shirt should continue to promote your business for a few years.

And always measure your progress.

This way, you won’t keep shelling out money if the promotional swag you invested in isn’t working the way you want it to.

Start Your Process Here

If you’re in the market for some company swag, we can help.

We offer a wide variety of marketing swag to impress everyone in your target market(s).

And we provide service nationwide.

Click here to find the best promotional merchandise for your business.



Christian Ramirez (LAP&D)

We help businesses, entrepreneurs & social media influencers with their trade show booths, branding apparel & quality merch. www.laprintanddesign.com