Prism Digital’s world first conference

Prism Digital
2 min readOct 16, 2015


Here at Yonder we are like beaming parents — all of our companies continually show to us how important they are in their industries, and how successful they can be.

This time, it’s Prism Digital’s turn.

On the 22nd September, in collaboration with DevOpsGuys, they hosted the WinOps Conference 2015, the world’s first conference dedicated to DevOps technologies in a Windows world.

With over 160 tickets sold, and 95% attendance, the event was a huge success. Guests remained engaged by continuing the discussion online.

Speakers from big names like AppDynamics and JustEat delivered fascinating talks in the morning, showing to the IT community that ‘WinOps’ (Windows DevOps) is a successful and efficient methodology.

In the afternoon, guests were given the option of attending panel discussions or workshops, all on varied topics in the WinOps world, ranging from CI for Windows to a demo on Microsoft’s new Azure cloud.

Sam Gorvin, Prism’s Windows and DevOps consultant, and Alex Dover, Prism’s director, were two key organisers of the event. Working alongside DevOpsGuys, a DevOps IT consultancy, the Prism boys helped put on a great show.

James Smith, co-founder of DevOpsGuys and co-organiser of WinOps Conference, was thrilled with Prism’s input into the event. “Collaborating with Alex and Sam was a pleasure. If it weren’t for their tenacity and energy, this day would have looked much different.”

Alex and James

Prism’s director Alex was thrilled with the day: “It was a huge success! Everyone I’ve spoken to has really enjoyed it, and have promised to come back next year. We have a growing community of ‘WinOps’ professionals who now have a place to share and discuss ideas, and we’re really proud to have been a part of that.”

Prism’s role as co-founders of the conference is testament to their growing presence in the UK technology industry, and as a key influencer in leading the growth of IT. They’re not just a recruitment company, they also take a keen interest in the work of their clients and candidates. We can’t wait to see what they organise next!

Follow Prism on Twitter to stay up to date with their latest events and news.

Check out DevOpsGuys, too!

If you missed the event, but would like to see the talks, videos of the discussions will be online soon! Follow WinOps London on Twitter for all the latest information.



Prism Digital

We are a boutique Talent Partner specialising in the DevOps & Cloud tech industries