10 Ways To Prevent Air Pollution That You Should Know About

4 min readFeb 20, 2018


Air Pollution has been on of the biggest problems that the humans have been facing over the years. This is not an issue for some specific country; it is important for people across the world to curb the issues related to air pollution. The Air pollution index has been at all-time highs for quite some time.

This is a largely discussed problem by not only the people, but it has attracted the attention of almost every world leader in the modern world. Part of the reason for this disturbing levels of air pollution is the development, industrialization that has taken place over the last century in almost every part of the world.

The fuels burning in the cars and the smoke from the factories, everything has had its contribution towards the increased Air pollution index. Another way to look at the disturbing level of pollution is to analyze the way humans have been degrading the nature itself.

Paralyzing the Nature

How on earth can we expect the nature to take care of the alarming levels of pollution to mitigate the tremendous Air pressure weather that we create when we are crippling the nature itself. The rising pollution in all parts of the world is a tremendous challenge for the world to make sure that we are able to lower the Air pollution index.

The Air pressure weather is something that concerns the people, especially when it comes to the kids who are in danger as they are exposed to so toxic air in their childhood itself. Here are 10 ways to prevent Air Pollution.

1. Minimize the pollution created by Vehicles

There are millions of cars and buses and so on in the world. It has often been seen that the outdoor air quality monitor register the most pollution when the roads are full of transport; be it public or private. So, it is quite obvious that we can decrease the pollution level by cutting back the use of cars as much as possible.

There are a lot of ways of making this happen. And many intelligent people have already been working towards making this work and have made huge investments to make people do their part in minimizing the pollution created by the vehicles. Ride Sharing, using the public transport or even riding a bicycle whenever possible is some of the steps that can be taken by us to minimize the Air pollution index in the various parts of the world.

2. Doing our bid to save energy

It is also a highly emphasized step to minimize the air pollution. If we decrease the energy consumption of the world, it is obvious that this will reduce the carbon emissions across the globe; which leads to decreased air pollution levels in all parts of the world.

3. Going eco-friendly at individual levels

Another thing that the people can do at an individual level is to pick eco-friendly products for personal and daily use.

4. Ban Smoking in homes and public places

Smoking is another crucial contributor to air polluting elements. The smoke that is generated as a result of smoking is something that can be really harmful to the people around it. Some of these dangerous elements include Ammonia, Carbon Monoxide, Arsenic and Lead.

5. Plant Trees

Unlike all the ways we have discussed so far to minimize the Air pollution index, this is something that we need to DO, instead of DON’T.

Planting trees are definitely the best thing that we can do to help us in this very tough fight against air pollution. The ability of the plants to curb all the negative effects of the various gases which act as the sole reason behind making them so dangerous for the humans. Not only this, the ability of the plants to make the atmosphere cooler, and better in order to make the mood calming and serene for the people. The temperature effects caused by the presence of plants is something that can be disputed much.

6. Household Air Cleaner

The Household air cleaners can be used to effectively minimize the adverse effects of polluting elements in the houses. Don’t forget to install an outdoor air quality monitor at your home along with the air cleaner.

7. Making sure that the fireplaces are fine

Fireplaces are also a major reason for increased air pollution levels around the world. Proper filters must be employed in the exhaust systems so that the pollution created by them is minimized.

8. Recycling

Using recycling for curbing the pollution is another important step to minimizing the air pollution. Making it possible for the people to be able to have access to these recycling measures will go a long way.

9. Choosing Sustainable Products

The product that is being manufactured and used by people at large scales must be made by putting thoughts that the products must be sustainable in nature so they can be used as many times as possible, so the resources are utilized to the fullest.

10. Take part in the policies

When it comes to regulations and policies related to the polluting, it is important for the people to understand that they can be made to work at full scale until and unless we, the people are a part of it.

While you work at minimizing the air pollution, you may as well monitor the air quality around you. Good thing we now have Prkruti to make it easier. Click here to know more.

