12 Things To Keep In Mind To Reduce Workplace Air Pollution

3 min readSep 26, 2018


According to research, indoor air pollution is more harmful than the outdoor air pollution. If one compares the air pollution index of the workplace with outdoors, then it is seen that the indoor air is dirtier than the outside air. You may reckon that working inside the office protects you from the air pollution caused by the vehicles on the streets, but you are wrong my friend. A study suggests that the air we breathe inside the closed glass doors of our office is not good for our health. There are many factors which cause pollution which will be disclosed on the blog. The chemicals which are daily used to clean the office rooms are toxic for our organs which later on lead to serious health problems. The chemicals have no place to escape from the four walls of your office and thus, it contaminates the entire office.

With the help of the air quality app, you can monitor the pollution of SO2 and NO2. You won’t believe, but there are more than 20 million of residents in the United States who are suffering from health issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Asthma, damage to the neurological system and Sinusitis. Poor air quality may also cause fatigue and itchy eyes, sneezing and much more. Necessary actions should be taken to stop air pollution at your workplace. If one doesn’t take certain measures then such low-quality air can also cause cancer. Don’t falsely believe that the air which you are breathing inside is safer than outside. If you have a kitchen at your workplace, then you are contributing more to the indoor air pollution. The problem seems minor to us, but it has long terms effects.

Steps to be taken to prevent air pollution at your workplace:

  1. Do not bring in any chemicals like deodorants, irritating perfumes or sprays at your workplace. This can be helpful in lessening air pollution and increase air quality index.
  2. Keep tabs on the air that you breathe by air quality monitors. They can give you the accurate readings of AQI (Air Quality Index) by showing the amount of harmful pollutants in the air.
  3. Try to bring packed lunch from your home itself rather than cooking at your workplace.
  4. The harsh chemicals used for cleaning can irritate your skin, lungs as well as your lungs. In the morning, while the cleaner is cleaning the place, you must open all the windows to let all the chemicals escape from the office.
  5. If possible, try to spend your free time like lunch break outside the office in the fresh air. Smoking should be prohibited inside the office.
  6. Avoid bringing incense sticks or scented candles to your office.
  7. Do not carry toner ink, paints or glues.
  8. Try to keep your office environment-friendly by starting a recycling program.
  9. Avoid using overhead lighting and try to keep the blinds open in the day.
  10. Clean the cooling equipments periodically.
  11. Make your office greener by planting small plants which also provides quality indoor air.
  12. Clean all the electrical appliances and dispose of waste properly.

Read more about: How Aware Are You About Indoor Air Pollution?

To keep tabs on the air that you breathe, try Prkruti now!

