How Aware Are You About Indoor Air Pollution?

2 min readAug 23, 2018


Do you know that according to scientific studies and government papers indoor pollution is a thing that exists and not just outdoor air pollution. Not just that, but official numbers say that out of all the deaths caused by air pollution, 40% of the deaths are caused by indoor air pollution and dysregulation of indoor air quality monitoring. No matter how difficult it is to digest it is the truth.

WHO (The World Health Organization) furthermore reports that as many as 92% of the population living in urban cities do not breathe air that can be called adequately safe. Amongst us city dwellers, we often think that the layer of smog in our environment and the opacity it creates is directly proportional to the air pollution in the air that we breathe. But that is highly ignorant of us. Because, the outdoor air pollution is made of particulate matter that is mostly visible like dust, pollen, and dirt, soot and smoke. This is the same reason why indoor air pollution is ignored.

Outdoor air pollution is caused by industrial emissions, AC compressors, crop and fossil fuel burning, etc. Ever growing towns and megacities such as New Delhi face higher pollution levels due to roadside emissions and dust. As winter approaches, these cities in the country expect to reach dangerous levels of air pollution.

So what about indoor air pollution?

Indoor air pollution is caused by the following factors:

  • Chimney releasing smoke from kitchen
  • Burning of food
  • AC compressor not having proper vents
  • I’ll maintained HVAC system
  • Pollens from indoor plants or garden
  • Smoking Indoors
  • Tiny hair and Germs from air
  • Moulds, Damp environment
  • Carbon Monoxide leakage

These factors make your indoor air as bad as the air in the traffic jam on a Sunday Afternoon. You breathe 2300 breaths a day on average. And you spend most of the times at home, more so your kids. How do you know if your air is breathable at a certain time of the day?

If you have the above mentioned factors checklist then there is a possibility that the indoor air that you are breathing is not healthy. To be sure you can install indoor air quality monitoring to see the amount of pollutants and more precisely if they are in a breathable amount or not.

Prakruti is an air quality index app that monitors the amount of pollutants in air and lets you know the quality of the air, its real time features can surely make your life much more healthier to know more about the app visit

