How we made more than $20k by investing less than $100

ProApp Studio
3 min readOct 28, 2014


This is by no means one of those too good to be true fairytales.

The minute we took a break from our regular jobs we were bored out of our minds. So we started hacking away at random ideas (most of them insane). Oh, I almost forgot! We are a bunch of guys + two gals who have been together since the beginning of time ☺ Five people but four developers and three designers.

It was during this period of insanity that we came up with the idea of creating our own company. We kept tossing around ideas of stuff that we could do. What seemed like an endless streak of ideas led us to discuss about money. More specifically what it would take us to build something, and that’s when it hit us.

People are spending thousands of dollars in hourly payments on applications that more often than not make no profit !

The demand for mobile application development is at an all-time high, as more and more people rake in millions from successful apps. Unfortunately it’s hard to predict how an application will perform. Sometimes extremely good apps get downloaded only a couple of times while there are those crazy stupid and terrible apps that rise to the top of the charts.

So we decided to create a company that would build ideas (mobile applications) for a fixed price — a fraction of what it would really cost them.

We spent a few dollars on cloud hosting, domain name and bought enough drinks to start brainstorming and develop the idea. And people, that’s how ProApp Studio came to life ☺

Soon after deploying the website we started spreading the word by mailing previous clients (did i mention that we have years of experience developing applications for some of the biggest companies on the planet?) and friends. By the end of the week we had about forty emails in our inbox from people who wanted mobile applications for their businesses.

Unfortunately we did not have the manpower to build all of them at once. This was our first problem. To handle this efficiently we evaluated the requests based on customer requirements. This cut down the number of requests significantly, because there were commercial solutions already available for many of the enterprise app ideas (project management, help desk, accounts); and some ideas required more than just an app.

We prioritized and set a schedule to build the remaining apps (which was only a few) after calculating the time it would take us to build them. After that we sent out the price quotes and the development schedule to the clients…and waited.

To our surprise, we heard back from all of them. They were eager to get started, and pay the 50 percent advance !

We don’t make much compared to other developers but we love doing this. Who knows, maybe someday we can actually do this on a large scale (btw we really really really think that this will happen).

Anyway $20k is not so bad either ☺

If you want us to build your next app contact us at



ProApp Studio

We make mobile application development affordable for everyone.