Activity heat-map for a product updates

1 min readOct 3, 2018


How do your customers know that your product or service is alive? How can they feel the pulse?

Often times when developers are “shopping” for an open source framework or library, they would go to the GitHub or similar code hosting platform to check if the library is still maintained.

You could deduct if a code is still maintained if there were recent commits and releases, if there is a community behind it, opposed to just one person. A number of issues reported VS closed is also a good indicator of the liveliness of the project. To track changes in a software project, its developers are maintaining change-log that states all the new stuff added or fixed.

Moreover, Github has a great feature called Activity overview for individual developers to track their contributions in the form of a calendar.

Why should you not use the same concept for your SaaS? Keep stakeholders informed about what is happening with your product/service. Companies like Buffer, Codeship, and Mention are already doing it pretty well.

It’s your turn!




Let customers feel the pulse of your product! #productDev #indieDev #productMGMT #productMarketing