Even in Death Palestinians Don’t Have a Sanctuary!

Prof. Hatem Bazian
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2022


Image from https://apnews.com/article/shireen-abu-akleh-journalist-funeral-west-bank-bb71e2ec64dd034066bc6df4a9aa2fb3

Israeli Occupation Forces Attack Shireen Abu Akleh’s Funeral

Even in death, Palestinians have no sanctuary from Israeli occupation violence and dehumanizing treatment. Israeli occupation forces, who are responsible for killing Shireen Abu Akleh , came out to beat Palestinians participating in her funeral procession, even those that are carrying her casket. The Israel occupation forces and apartheid regime killed Shireen, lied about the cause of death, created diversion to their crime, enforced checkpoints limitations on people trying to mourn the senior journalist, attacked her home to force the family to remove Palestinian flags, attempted to arrest people, prevented people from coming to Jerusalem to mourn, then physically attacking and beating those carrying her coffin.

The morning images and videos coming out of Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral is shocking and Israeli occupation forces have reached a level of moral bankruptcy by attacking the procession and those carrying the coffin. The despicable display of brute Israeli Apartheid…



Prof. Hatem Bazian

Executive Director, Islamophobia Studies Center. Professor, Zaytuna College, Lecturer in Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures & Asian Ameri. Studies, UC Berkeley