Why your sales took a sudden dip

Ayomikun Osunseyi
2 min readJun 12, 2024


I had just come back from the gym when I was greeted by the most random thing.

I opened the door, and the first person I saw was my uncle.

Immediately he saw me, he said, “Perfect! I’ve been waiting for you.”

Uhn? Waiting for me? Was I in trouble or something?

He stood up, walked closer to me, and just said, “Follow me.”

Now I was getting worried.

I followed him as he made his way to the kitchen.

He then calmly told me, “YOUR ROOM IS DIRTY!”

Yeah, calmly.

He narrated how everywhere was messy, and I had to tidy it up before he came back from work this evening.

I have to admit, my room has been a bit untidy.

My excuse is that I’ve been so busy with client work that I was just too lazy to put anything in order.

And it’s rare for them to complain about this.

Anyway, guess who’s writing this email to you in a fresh, sparkling-clean room! 😂

Okay, perhaps I’ve embarrassed myself already with this revelation to the thousands of people who will read this email.

But there’s a reason for that.

And it has to do with your email list.

Do you know the number 1 reason you might have poor deliverability is because your list is “dirty”?

Just like my room this morning, many email lists are littered with bad emails, spam traps, and other stuff that generally hurts email deliverability.

It’s one of the many reasons many emails go to the promotional folder or, worse, the spam folder.

And a simple way you can avoid it is by clearing your email list of these unwanted emails and a regular cleanup.

Doing this alone will give you an upper edge.

And if you combine it with the other 4+ things I do for clients to help them improve their deliverability, you are going to be golden.

Cos, in reality, if more of your emails are landing in the inbox, you have a better chance of making more sales.

Of course, it’s almost impossible to get 100% deliverability. Anyone who guarantees that is just flat-out lying.

But if you could just get double what you get now, that’s enough to significantly improve your business.

That could mean double the open rates, double the click rates, and even double your sales or more, depending on your market, copy, and offer.

Enough talk; if you want me to help you do this, click this link, book a meeting, and on the form, write “Email Deliverability.”

Ayomikun Osunseyi



Ayomikun Osunseyi

Sales Email Copywriter: Exceptional Email Copy for Online Businesses