Kamala Harris’ Record Proves She Is Not A Progressive In Any Sense Of The Word

Sahil Habibi
7 min readJan 25, 2019

Senator Kamala Harris has announced that she is running for President in 2020, and many people have quickly jumped to support her for different reasons. It seems to be the case that there is a lot of support amongst the supporters of Hillary Clinton and that the mainstream media has propped her up as a likely candidate.

Rather than look over her record and talk about the deep rooted problems of her past, the mainstream media has instead decided to set the stage that she is a progressive black woman who is running for President. The idea of her being a progressive in any way could not be further from the truth.

She announced her campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, surely as an attempt to frame her campaign as one that is supportive of the causes of the African-American community in the United States. Shockingly, when you look at her record, she has done quite the opposite her entire career. Consider possibly the most important issue that faces the African-American community, police brutality. In January of 2016, civil rights activists were not pleased with her lack of action to solve the issue of police brutality. The LA Times stated: “Amid continuing tensions over the fatal police shootings of black men across the nation, some civil rights activists and members of California’s…



Sahil Habibi

Host Of The Progressive Voice|Twitter @Progressvoice|Writer At Progressive Army|Contributor To Huffington Post