The Demon Slayer

Project X
2 min readNov 15, 2023


The rampaging by the Demons on Earth continued, while the Subjects watched helplessly… but they were determined to stop this.

They examined carefully the process behind the Demon’s creation, took samples and did what they do best — experiment. They found the very essence of the Demon Subject… and enhanced it, with some slight changes…

Demon Slayer Essence

With twice the power of the Demon Subject, triple the rage, and desire to kill… the new essence was ready to be inserted into one of the volunteering Subjects.

Subject #1166 was the most suitable for the essence, for he had the most amount of pity for all of the humans on Earth, creating a rage for the demons and their creator… this was an essential catalyst.

And so the enhancement proceeded…

A being of unparalleled strength and undying hatred for the demons emerged… ready to destroy every… last… demon.

Demon Slayer Subject

He was sent to Earth with one sole purpose…

Extreme Rage of Demon Slayer up-close

Rip and Tear, until it is done.



Project X

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