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Starting The Journey.

2 min readDec 5, 2023


I’ve always written quotes or life experiences in order to inspire someone out there but never in my life did I think I could be called a writer.

I’ve always had the ideas and written them but they never felt good enough. This hindered me from actually completing whatever I’d started writing.

I’ve written short form contents and posted them online but never long forms. I didn’t even try it because I never considered myself someone who could write such.

This was until I met a Writer and a coach, she helped me discover and hone my talent of writing. Her teachings taught me the basics of writing and how to be a good writer amongst other things.

Meeting her made me realize that I had it in me to be an excellent writer and discovering this made me happy.

From the assignments in the class, I ventured into long form writings and as I wrote, I saw how good I was. I also realized that I enjoyed it, it gave me a sense of purpose, I was also proud of myself and happy that I took this step while also thanking God for sending her across my way.

Right now, I know for a fact that everyday won’t always come with the butterfly feeling from writing. There would be days where I wouldn’t want to write, there would be days where there may be no inspiration. Regardless, I’m determined to make this work for me, no matter how slow or fast I may be at being better at writing, I’m ready to do it!

So as I step up to my fear that my writeups may not seem perfect, I know that as I keep at it, I’ll soon be the writer I dream of.

Welcome Friends and this is me Starting The Journey.

