Photo from Pinterest

On the matter of compliments.



Who doesn’t love to be complimented? Definitely nobody. I believe! but oh well, if you’re the different one, let me know why you don’t like it in the comment section.

So as I stated, I believe we all love a good and honest compliment, but do you know that a lot of times, many of us don’t even know how to accept it, especially if it places us in the spotlight?

Some people’s reaction to it is to get all shy and blush, evade it by stating that they’re being “whined,” or give into the urge of running to hide under their beds because they really don’t know what to do with those compliments.

One would even think the reaction ends with these things listed, but do you know that some people lose their words when complimented about things they’ve never been complimented on?

Imagine someone giving compliments on something your mind didn’t think could be appreciated by anyone. You wore an outfit that you didn’t ‘rate,’ and as you step out of your house with it, you see people appreciating the outfit left and right. That alone can leave you dazzled and doubting if these people are being honest with their words, but at the same time, listening to more people appreciate that outfit can get you to gradually believe them, which can leave you a little stunned at the fact that such an outfit can get such attention from people.

You know what, I really think I should leave all these imaginations aside and spill this to you. Do you know that I wouldn’t even think of casting a stone at you because I’ve been there. Yes! I’ve acted weird and awkward when people complimented me on things about me, like my beauty, my outfit, or my smile. And truth is I honestly love these compliments but I can’t seem to get past it without acting weirdly cute. So, me writing about compliments is not to show you that I’m perfect.

So, if we can’t get to move past the awkwardness of accepting compliments, what should we do?

The truth is most times, you won’t have all the emotions as a result of this gesture figured out, nor the ability to accept it in a put together fashion; but it’s safe to note that you can still show your appreciation to these individuals who’ve decided to brighten your day with their kind words.

A thank you with a smile on your face can do the trick. A dramatic response as well isn’t bad, as long as that person won’t see you as a ‘crazy’ person.

Also, one thing i’ve discovered and I think is special to know is that, although accepting compliments comes with a certain kind of awkwardness, if you think about it, there is something beautiful about it. Imagine (again) you telling someone something you like or appreciate about their personality or external appearance, and because of how much those simple words touched their hearts, you see them leave that zone of ‘togetherness.’ That alone seems like an amazing sight to behold, at least that’s what i think. Dear reader, it’ll be best to note that these words written in this paragraph is to make you think less of how to act when receiving compliments and just actually accept them.

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Today, i’ve taken my time to discuss how amazing compliments can be and how you should/can accept them. One thing I’ll say to never do is to return this kind gesture by being rude with your words, actions or even body language. Taking the decision to compliment someone takes courage, so don’t make anyone rethink their choices by being rude in appreciating the gesture. Let me say that again, please don’t be rude in appreciating the gesture. If you don’t know what to do, a thank you with a smile would be good.

Lest I forget, a big thank you goes to everyone who gives compliment to people, you are a part of those who makes the world a better place to live in, so take your flowers, you deserve it!

As I close the curtain on the matter of compliments, I want you to take it upon yourself to compliment at least 4 different people this week. I could’ve said strangers but to my introverts in the house, I wouldn’t want this task to be a little too hard for you, right?

Most importantly, I would love to get feedbacks on how these people reacted to your compliments. So please don’t forget to share your experiences, I eagerly anticipate them.

Feedbacks are important in my journey as a writer, I hope you drop comments that helps me get better and also tap on the clap icon as many times as you loved this writeup.

If you would love to see more of my writings, don’t forget to follow me. Thank you!

See you in my next post!👋🏻

