Challenges for unique daredevils with Provoco!

1 min readJan 14, 2019


Provoco grants every daredevil with a lot of opportunities for extraordinary challenge creation. The App will include a variety of options for the selection of challenge types:

- One-off (“Challenge closes after one complete”)

- For multiple winners (“Everyone is welcome to take challenge until it’s open”)

- Time-challenge (“Do this in 3 hours”)

- Multi-step challenge (“Plant the tree and let me see it grow for 1 year with photo/video every 1 month”)

  • Live challenge (“I will pay while you live broadcast Madonna concert”)

With this wide selection of challenge types, the App will appear even more colorful and diverse.

Every Provoco user will find the tool for his own needs and intentions.

Anyone can create a challenge. Anyone can accept a challenge.




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