Why You should join Provoco?

6 min readJul 13, 2018


Today, as you may be aware, there are a lot of different crowdsale’s starting almost every day. In a very short period of time cryptocurrencies market faced a huge demand, that’s why we have almost 1700 token related projects for now and this number keeps growing every day. It is not a secret that crowdsale concept has occupied the world of cryptocurrency even becoming a buzzword across market spaces.

Some of investors seeks only to gain profits, while others invest in projects that really can change something or add value to community. There are a lot of ways to analyse projects which are built on cryptocurrencies. First of all You need to understand project concept and idea, meet the team, analyse social media, tokenomics and etc.

Here are some reasons why joining Provoco would be the best decision you could possibly make:

First of all, let’s understand concept of crowdsale. It has become very important in recent years, especially for start-up companies like Provoco (yes, we are a company, not just a simple project) to raise funds for a new and innovative cryptocurrency project. In return, we would sell part of our cryptocurrency (VOCO Tokens) to investors or early believers in exchange for today’s money.

A crowdsale often takes place before the project ends, and all the funds raised during this process would help us to fund and support the operations and development of the overall project until it launches. Investors are able to get discounts or bonuses. At this moment, Provoco offers 11% BONUS! This means, that You will get 11% more VOCO tokens it’s a win-win situation for both of us!

Creating a prosperous and unique business this way is so much more complex than simply glomming onto the most current fad and selling similar products. It’s about building on something that will change the way we live, and filling in the gaps to make an even better product or service!

At Provoco we believe that success combines a perfect blend of being on the forefront of technology and choosing the trends that are destined to stick.

That’s why we use blockchain — the forefront of technology that will make revolution in many industries! The top two blockchain advantages for Provoco are the ability to guarantee promised payments and independent voting by the community. Blockchain technology needs applications to benefit the lives of ordinary people, and Provoco might be among the first such blockchain applications.

“The first generation of the digital revolution brought us the Internet of information. The second generation — powered by blockchain technology — is bringing us the Internet of value: a new, distributed platform that can help us reshape the world of business and transform the old order of human affairs for the better. ”

Many projects are trying to develop social media network on blockchain, but none of them concentrates on challenges with added value to community. That’s why our concept is unique!

To summarise Provoco concept — we are the first, new and unique, challenge — oriented multimedia social network project, with cryptocurrency — based financial rewards ecosystem, instant P2P value transfer option, Smart Contract features.

Meet our concept

One thing is to read and imagine concept or idea and another thing is to see it! That’s why we made a prototype of our application for contributors and believers. You can meet Provoco application prototype hear and have a first impression! Moreover, we will launch our alpha version very soon.

For now, more than 10 software engineers and designers working on development and improvements to the Provoco application prototype. So it’s just a matter of time when You will be able to try our application in real life!

Meet our prototype

Our team works hard to deliver our promises to You! Recently we had a huge rebranding, we have changed our documentation content and look. We will soon launch our alpha version for You!

Provoco is aiming to become a global social network with a lot more engagement as Facebook or Instagram have. The team envisages it as the most engaging social network, like a cross between Snapchat and YouTube. Engagement will come from a concept based on challenges that range from daily micro-challenges to macro-challenges that could have an impact for the real world. Also, we have a big team with necessary experience and different duties.

We aim big and we work hard!

Meet our team


From the perspective of token economics, if Provoco becomes one of the top social networks with millions of users worldwide, the consumption of VOCO tokens will be huge — with the most benefit for early contributors. Users who participate in challenges and vote for them will earn VOCOs. As Provoco is at a early stage of crowdsale now, you can get a 11% bonus!

Get tokens

Provoco have solutions!

There are a lot of industries which have different problems. These problems can be very specific only faced in this industry or a global. The good thing is that from these problems usually new startups come up with solutions for it! So do provoco!

Provoco have solutions for social network industry problems:

  • Reward system
  • Data security
  • Blockchain adoption issue
  • Demand of challenges platform.

Our team sees major investor interest in blockchain -empowered projects, that are much more fair to the consumer and more technologically innovative. Creating challenges with PROVOCO, will let a user to incentivize and reward people who actually do something that he/she initially intended to achieve; assign the reward pool to multiple beneficiaries of their choice, including charities.

Huge market

On Youtube, a total of 143 million videos with presumably recorded challenges can be found, where 26 million new challenges captured on video are in January 14th to February 14 , 2018 (1 month) alone. That is enormous growth trend indication for challenge popularity!

However, in this market our team made an interesting discovery: there is no usable platform that unites people striving for challenges only. Moreover, the global trends statistics for challenge keyword, indicate a stable growth of people, looking for challenges:

Google trends for “Challenges”

Also don’t forget to follow us on social media for latest updates:

It’s time to challenge ourselves and others around us!




The 1st Social Challenge Network, Empowered by Blockchain. Join our community on Telegram https://t.me/provoco_me