Introducing the PRYSM Blockchain Airdrop for Arbitrumium Holders

PRYSM Network
2 min readMar 30, 2023


Exciting news for all Arbitrumium holders! The PRYSM team has announced an airdrop for all ARM holders when PRYSM mainnet launches. This airdrop is a way for the PRYSM team to reward early supporters of the project and encourage more people to join the community.

The PRYSM team will be taking periodic snapshots between the launch date of Arbitrumium and the PRYSM mainnet launch to assess the amount of PSM coins that will be rewarded to individual ARM holders. These snapshots are what the team calls “reward zones”.

While the exact allocation amount for the airdrop is yet to be confirmed, the final amount will be divided by the number of reward zones. The amount of PSM available in each reward zone will then be shared between ARM holders depending on each holder’s individual market share percentage of ARM.

The PRYSM team believes in the principles of decentralized finance, including free markets and users having full control over their assets. This approach is the best way to ensure that true supporters of the project are rewarded fairly without implementing unnecessary restrictions.


To illustrate how the airdrop will work, let’s say the total airdrop amount is 100,000 PSM tokens. If there are ten reward zones, then each reward zone would contain 10,000 PSM tokens. Suppose you hold 1% of the total ARM market share, you would receive 100 PSM coins as your portion of the airdrop during that snapshot. The same process would apply to subsequent snapshots.

The exact timing of the snapshots will remain undisclosed until all snapshots have been collected then they will be announced by the team. Keep an eye out for updates and don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the PRYSM community and benefit from the airdrop.

The PRYSM team is excited to reward true supporters of the project through this airdrop. By taking this approach, the team hopes to build a strong and loyal community around the PRYSM platform and to demonstrate its commitment to DeFi principles. Stay tuned for more updates and information about the PRYSM mainnet launch and the airdrop for ARM holders.

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PRYSM Network

Blending existing tech with new ideas to push decentralized limits. User-friendly ecosystem and clear documentation for a diverse community to join and succeed.