Hidden Codes of the Inner City

Tofig Husein-zadeh
1 min readJan 7, 2016



  • Introduction
  • Unconscious Code
  • Insiders
  • Meaning Systems
  • Relationship with Fire
  • High Psychographics Analysis
  • The Cult


This semiotics report is a product that came out of conducting in-depth semiological analysis of the Inner City of Baku that is also called the Old City or the Walled City (Orig. Ichari Shahar or Icheri Sheher). It is neither a mere city center nor it is ‘downtown’ of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. The Inner City is the historical core of Baku, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. This report systematically decodes symbols, meaning systems and archetypal structures and examines the relationship between the Inner City and the Inner City Bakuvians including the intelligentsia, nobility, aristocracy etc. Using semiological instruments, it is the first analytical work that explores the high psychographics of the Inner City and that unearths unconscious socio-psychological and socio- cultural data.

See full report: http://bit.ly/1MR6whi




Tofig Husein-zadeh

Penn State alumnus | ex-Writer of Harvard Business Review | Founder of The Intelligentsia magazine | Luxury Strategist http://www.tofighuseinzadeh.com