Interview: Gianni Grifoni Owner Of Kermit Surf Resort In Siargao, Philippines

Peter Mc
9 min readJun 4, 2018


John Mark Tokong aka Marama Surfing in Siargao Island in the Philippines. Photo Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

“No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.” Andrew Carnegie

What do you get when you mix a trained Marine Biologist with the independent energy of a surfing entrepreneur? A hard working Italian by the name of Gianni Grifoni. Gianni originally came to the Philippines to work as a Marine Conversationalist and is now holding his own as a serious entrepreneur. The surfer turned business owner has just launched a new restaurant in Manila called Kermit Manila. The new endeavor builds on the prior success of his first business venture, Kermit Surf Resort and Restaurant on Siargao island. The resort offers everything from tropical accommodations, an open air restaurant, yoga lessons, surf lessons, island hopping, and a surf shop that features his local clothing brand. Gianni has managed to become quite successful at pursuing his passions while also lending a hand to those around him. The secret to his success is his unique ability to hire and train great employees at every level. Gianni has stuck to the motto “One for all, all for one” and is reaping the benefits. I can not think of a greater way to become successful than to give back to the local community that welcomed him with open arms. The following interview is a great example of how surfers can change communities in need by working with them and inspiring others to do the same. I hope you enjoy this interview!

Please state your name and your country of origin.

Gianni Grifoni and I am from Italy.

Where is your local lineup?

Siargao Island is my local lineup. You can find me at either Cloud 9, Tuason Point, or Stimpies. Or any good barreling left around Siargao!

Gianni Grifoni Surfing Siargao Island in the Philippines. Photo Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

How is the vibe?

Since I live in Siargao the vibe for me is good. I know everybody in the water. But in the last few years with the influx of more and more tourists visiting the island, sometimes it gets more tense. Siargao locals are super nice. Sometimes they are too nice and people take advantage of them in the water.

How did you get into surfing?

I got into surfing while visiting freezing and sharky Marin County, California. My brother lived there for a bit and I used to spend my summers with him.

Gianni Grifoni Surfing Siargao Island in the Philippines. Photo Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

What drew you to Siargao Island?

The first time I went to Siargao was in 2006 on a trip to the Philippines. I fell in love with the island and the people. In 2009 I finished my master’s degree in Marine Biology and I got a job in the Philippines doing marine conservation. After that In 2010, I decided to buy land in Siargao because I loved the island so much. Since that time my resort, restaurant, and surf school were born and like a good father I never left ever since!

Kermit Siargao Surf Resort Restaurant. Bottom Left Gianni is cooking it up! Photos Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

Could you share your thoughts on the surf scene in Siargao?

The Siargao surf scene is becoming more International now! There are so many talented kids that are coming up. Before there was no money or exposure. Now with the help from new brands like Gwapitos and Kudo Surf these companies are doing an amazing job of exposing the new generation to the competitive surf world outside of the Philippines. Now Siargao’s most talented surfers are becoming more exposed to the international surf media and they are starting to travel around Asia for competitions.

What is your favorite season to surf in Siagao?

I would say from September to November is my favorite time to surf here. But all year round can be just as amazing.

What advice would you give surfers visiting Siargao for the 1st time?

I would say respect the locals, be humble in the water, and do not over estimate yourself!

How did you get the idea to start Kermit Siargao Surf Resort?

The idea started randomly! I started out with the idea to just build a house for myself, another bungalow for my friends, and possibly a small kitchen where I could cook for friends. Slowly over time, like the Siargao development, the place got bigger and bigger… and without realizing it, it has become what it is now!

Kermit Siargao Resort Activities: SUP Tours, Tide Pools, Island Hopping, Beach Lunches, etc. Photos Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

What do you like most about running a surf resort in Siargao?

I like meeting people from all over the world and mostly surfing everyday!

The Kermit Siargao Surf Resort. Photos Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

The interior and exterior designs of the resort are absolutely amazing! How did you come up with such stylish accommodations?

Thank you! I try to blend the amazing natural light of Siargao with the native style and the tropical landscape into the design of Kermit. I love my garden!

The Kermit Siargao Surf Resort. Photos Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

What sort of projects are you currently working on?

I am working on Gwapitos, which is my local brand. Also, I just opened a new restaurant in Manila called Kermit Manila in Poblacion last Friday April 20th. I have a few more projects in my mind… lets see what happens.

Could you talk about the local company GWAPITOS?

The Gwapitos brand started out as a joke back in 2016, which is right after John Mark Tokong aka Marama won the Cloud 9 International Surfing Competition. Since 2010 I have been supporting and sponsoring Marama. In the local surf community everybody knows him and I as Gwapito. Anyways, one day we started talking about starting a brand. Basically we said, lets try to make some T-shirts and whatever we sell all of the income will go to Marama to pay for his competition expenses. Well, little did we know but GWAPITOS became a huge a success! Now we are sponsoring more than twenty other athletes. We sponsor everyone from freesurfers, longboarders, and skaters too. Our mission is to promote environmental activities and we try to do our best to help the local community.

How is it being an entrepreneur and surfer? Any insights into how those two combos work together?

I would say both are all about catching the right wave! In business it is the same. Luck is also very important! You have to be at the right place at the right time!

“Our mission is to promote environmental activities and we try to do our best to help the local community.”

In what direction do you see the Siargao surf scene headed in?

I see the Siargao surf scene headed in a more competitive and international exposed surf scene. I hope the local groms stay humble and the elders teach the new generation.

Siargao Surf Breaks. Photo Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

One serious question. Siargao has experienced a lot of development in recent years. How do you think the island can balance this growth in a sustainable way that benefits the local Filipino community, business operators, and the fragile environment as well?

Yes, that is a big question. It is hard to say. As of now the island is not able to handle the huge growth in tourism. Unfortunately, the island does not have the infrastructure to handle the amount of people and trash there is on the island. Not only that but locals are selling their land to big businesses. Before the crowds arrived there used to be a community here. Not that long ago, everybody that was living here was looking for a lifestyle rather than an investment. We all cared about the island and still do. But now it is all about money. Big development has moved in and corporations do not care about the island or the locals. Big development just wants to come in and milk it. Which is very sad. I really hope the local government will step up and do something. Right now a master plan is being developed. I am optimistic about the future. So let’s see. I do not know what the future of Siargao will be.

Could you share any particular stories that are memorable or stick out in your mind that relate to surfing in Siargao?

When I think of stories, I think back only a few years ago when locals were “giving” lots of waves. Like screaming at the tourist, “Go for it!” Now a days you do not see it that much. The island is changing really fast.

Kermit Resort Surf School. Photo Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

What does the future hold for you and Kermit Siargao?

I really do not know. I am waiting to see how the development goes and which direction the local government of Siargao will take in dealing with these changes.

If you could send a message to the surfing community at large what would you tell them?

Please be a responsible traveler when you come to Siargao. We have a huge trash problem! Please do not litter on the beach. Please spend time with the locals and learn from them. They are awesome people!

“Please spend time with the locals and learn from them. They are awesome people!”

Where can people find you on social media?

My personal IG account is @sleepeatsurf and the resort Kermit Siargao is @kermitsiargao. You can also look at the resort website at We also have a Kermit Siargao Facebook page as well. The local surf brand Gwapitos IG account is @gwapitos.official. My new restaurant is called Kermit Manila and the IG account is @kermitmanila. Please come visit us! If you have any questions message me at any of my accounts!

Any parting words or shout outs?

Ahahha I think I said enough!

Kermit Siargao Surf Resort SUP Tours. Photos Courtesy of Kermit Siargao Surf Resort©

This interview was edited and created within Medium by myself — Peter Mc. I am a graphic designer, photographer, and journalist who is obsessed with surfing. I have two home bases, one in Miami, FL and another in Kobe, Japan. I am always on the lookout for interesting people who want to share their stories. I can be reached at or you can follow me on at Ptrmc.Photos. If you enjoyed this story please like it and hit the follow button for more great stories in the future!

