PumpIT -Update 💯

3 min readMar 6, 2022


Hello fellow #pumpers!

We realise that communication has been a bit chaotic in recent days/weeks, so we’ve decided to compile a summary of everything that has happened recently in this article.

We were hoping to have launched by now but financial market conditions were hard for us to negotiate, but we are excited to confirm we are now finally ready to launch.

Community Update ❤️

Team $PumpIT are looking for a handful of MODs to help with the next stage of managing this project. These MODs will be assisting our team with managing the day2day discord channel (to be released in the next 24 hours) and will become an important part of managing the community. Your responsibilities might vary, but the overall role is to ensure that our discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. You can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or suspend people who violate the server’s rules.

This is a paid role and our intention is for you to be on weekly calls with the founders of $PumpIT. Through these calls gain insider knowledge into what is planned next for PumpIT and will gain exclusive and early access to any projects we are working on.

Please note we are ideally looking for 2–3 MODs per time zone and believe we have most of our MODs already agreed for EU timings so please do not get disappointed if you are not selected. The bigger this project becomes — the more MODs will be taken on in the longer run.

Should this be of interest please reach out to the team!

We also have made the decision to move our community from telegram to discord. Discord offers a more organised, professional and easy to follow approach for you — please use this link to join our server — https://discord.gg/BgjNHeq9Tt

General project update 🚀

We are delighted to announce that we will be going live on on Pancakeswap in the coming weeks. Our launch date will be based on how quickly we can kick-off our marketing and how quickly we can migrate our community to discord. Please join the discord server (link above) for further details closer to launch.

We are delighted to announce that our launchpad is in the latter stages of development. We already have a long list of blockchain companies and NFT projects keen to launch on our platform and we will soon be able to tease some visuals. You can expect the likes of :-

  • $PumpIT staking tiers to secure white list allocations
  • $PumpIT lotteries to win free allocations
  • $PumptIT reward initiative for loyal community members who are active in the discord be this; inviting their friends, sharing memes / content, helping answer questions in the group and taking part in our like and share contents to gain guaranteed allocations.

New website & tokenomics update 🖥💰

We have rebranded! Please check out our new website — https://pumpit.io/

We have also had an internal talk and have re-looked at our tokenomics and are incredibly excited to share that they have been updated and reflected on our website — https://pumpit.io/.

I hope everyone can see that this new re-structure of the tokenomics is with a focus on giving back to the community so we can $PumpIT together. Our new token distribution will see 15% of the entire $PumpIT project go back to our community.

We thank you for your initial support, your patience and most importantly you continued support as this project develops.

