Ingredients to Help You Detox After the Holidays

Purple Carrot
3 min readDec 19, 2016


Do you wake up feeling bloated, overstuffed, and just downright uncomfortable after the holidays? Did you try your best not to give into all of those holiday temptations, but somehow still feel like you’ve overindulged? If so, don’t worry there are some ingredients that can help you detox after the holidays! Use these detox foods to help your body reset and get back to your usual healthy self in no time.

Blood Orange: If you binged on too much sugar over the holidays, your immune system may have taken a hit. Give it a boost with a blood orange. These particular oranges are bursting with vitamin C to help kick start your metabolism, while also reducing inflammation. Blood oranges are also an incredible source of antioxidants to help flush out any toxic build up and neutralize free radicals in the body. To help give your body a detoxifying boost try adding blood oranges to your smoothie, salads, or snacking on one with nuts and seeds.

Ginger: Not only is ginger great for easing nausea and soothing an upset tummy, but it also holds some powerful anti-inflammatory properties helping your body recover from the holiday binge. Ginger can also help regulate blood sugar levels getting your blood sugar back in check after all of those holiday goodies. Try adding some freshly grated ginger to your water, tossed into your morning smoothie, or used in a stir-fry for a boost of flavor and to help cleanse your body and get you back in balance.

Turmeric: One of the most popular superfoods seen today. Turmeric is high in anti-inflammatory properties making it a great addition to any recipe after the holidays. All of those sugar filled treats can spike inflammation in the body, so it’s important to cool that inflammation before detoxification can occur. Turmeric has also been known to help the body’s natural method of eliminating metabolic wastes and chemicals and can also help with liver detoxification. If you had one too many glasses of wine at your holiday dinner, try making golden milk with turmeric, coconut milk, black pepper, and ginger to help cleanse your body and restore health.

Water: You can’t forget the water when it comes to detox! One of the most important players in your body’s ability to flush out toxins is proper hydration. Water will help cleanse your body and get you back on track, so make sure you are getting at least 64 ounces of water per day and more if you’re exercising.

Lemons: If you’re looking for a total body cleanse, try adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water bottle. Citrus fruits like lemon are rich in de-limonene which is a powerful antioxidant found in the peel of lemons that helps to stimulate liver enzymes and flush out built up toxins from the body.

Beets: These beautifully colored superfoods do more than just make your plate look pretty, they actually help to cleanse the body and promote detoxification. Beets are rich in betalains which are antioxidants that help to repair as well as regenerate liver cells. You need a strong and healthy liver to help your body detox, so fueling your body with liver friendly foods is your first step to detoxing after the holidays.

If you feel like you overate at your holiday dinner, try a couple of these detoxifying foods to help get you back on track. A couple of days eating clean, and detoxifying foods can help get you back on the healthy path and have you feeling better in no time.



Purple Carrot

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