7 Proactive Ways To Deal With Your To-Do List

a concise guide on how to keep your sanity in check

Aphinya Dechalert
Hustle Thrive Grow


Todo List (Swipe To Check) by Gal Shir

We all have some sort of a to-do list. We write it down, sometimes with checkboxes, sometimes in an app — never to be looked at again when things start to pile on.

I’ve done it many times and there’s a high chance that we’re on the same boat.

Over the years, I’ve experimented with different methods of dealing with the to-do list. Here are 7 ways to deal with your to-do list, in the most productive way possible.

1. The 5/25 rule

There’s a tale floating around about a conversation between the once richest man in the world and his pilot. While Bill Gates may have pushed him from the top ranking, Warren Buffett still has something going for him that he’s doing correctly.

The tale goes something along the lines of this: Warren Buffett had a talk with his pilot and asked him what his goals and aspirations in life are. He told the man to write down his top 25 goals. Mr. Buffett then told his pilot to circle his top five and proceeded to ask him how he’d go about achieving the other 20.

“I’ll work on them when I have the time,” came the reply, or something along those lines.

