How JavaScript still hasn’t broken the Internet just yet

even in its sloppy and strict states

Aphinya Dechalert


Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash

It’s a great wonder how JavaScript hasn’t successfully broken the Internet — not really. There’s no debate that horror stories still floats around in the great dark web of shoddy coding, but in the general grand scheme of things, updates to the language haven’t caused that many major issues.

Well, most of the issues are possibly bought on by Internet Explorer — but that’s a completely separate matter. Explorer has always been the ‘extra’ one when it comes to supporting JavaScript.

So the question is, how has JavaScript manage to keep everything so stable, regardless of releases over the past 20-ish years? Despite all the side looks and jeering remarks from other more ‘propper’ programming languages, how is it that a technology released back in 1995 still manages to hold up against time?

The Fine Art of Versioning

The idea behind versioning is that with every major release, outdated features are either updated or removed from the language, framework or library. This means that new code won’t work in older implementations.

Code written from version 2 will never work for something that’s running on version 1. Versioning is often the approach when…



Aphinya Dechalert

Where Development Meets Storytelling: Tech Writer, Editor & Dev Advocate. Translating Complexity into Clarity. DM me.