The Shared Common Traits of Contraprenuers

They start off by letting you in on their secrets

Aphinya Dechalert
Hustle Thrive Grow


Photo by Ashley Jurius on Unsplash

Contraprenuers are rife on the Internet. They’re like the new age IRS phone scammers and Nigerian princes in dire need of saving - for the low, low investment of xxx dollars.

They go for the vulnerable people and target the types that are looking to transform their lives, the ones that are currently at the beginning of their journeys trying to figure out how to make more than the basic minimum.

They will paint a pretty picture — the kind where the Internet is a wonderful endless pool of money that can be gained. They will use stats and numbers to awe you, to get your attention and reel you in.

Then they will walk away — after you’ve paid them for their ‘secrets’.

The language of contraprenuers

Contraprenuers share a common language when it comes to selling their services. Their business is helping you get rich by making them rich. Your success or failure will ultimately end at the fault of the platform or your inability to follow instructions.

It’s the modern-day scam of our times, featuring Ferraris, beautiful views and maybe a mansion garage in the background. Their visual language is one of abundance, creating an…

