The birth of Status Symbols (4.4)

Living near strangers encourages us to communicate who we are, or who we wish we were.

In 2021 an NFT was sold for over $90 Million.
This was a digital picture that most 1st year graphic design students could recreate.
The mainstream noted how ridiculous this particular Status Symbol was compared to ‘their’ symbols such as cars or art.
Lost was the idea that every Status Symbol seems ridiculous to those not in the group.
One of the many transitions the internet will make us go through is how to allocate Status to people online.

Hearing the words Status Symbol conjures up images of aristocrats in mansions.
We didn’t need as many symbols when we lived in bands/tribes because everyone knew each intimately.
There was no need to display who was the best teacher, runner, or storyteller.
The larger our communities grow with strangers, the more we need symbols.
Moving into Neolithic societies humans relied on symbols to communicate who they were.

What is a Status Symbol?
A Status Symbol is anything that sends a message to another human about ourselves.
This message can be about what you have (car), believe (cross) or what you have done (trophy).
Are you happy, wealthy, healthy, conservative, enlightened, rebellious, competent, creative, socially conscious ?
There is a Status symbol for every one of these and more.
Even something as common as a haircut has a message behind it.

Symbols are helpful
Status Symbols are often associated with wealth & class, but that is only a small percentage.
Many symbols are helpful indicators (gang tattoo) or an honourable display of one’s achievements (war medals).
Once we realise we all use Status Symbols, it’s fun to begin noticing how they are used.

It’s all relative
Status Symbols also change meaning over time.

  • Being chubby once meant you were wealthy and could afford excess food. In 2022 some people see it as a lack of self-control or unattractive.
  • Tanned skin in Vietnam could mean you come from a poor farming family. Tanned skin in America means you go on holidays a lot and therefor have money.
  • If you had 2 years worth of food under your house in year 1362, you would have been seen as wealthy.
    Today you might be seen as an unhinged prepper.
Minimal dress standards in the tech community signified a rebellious/disruptive outlook as well an optimisation of time and daily decision making.

Some people use a lack of Status Symbols as a Status Symbol.
Monks and Holy people use simplicity to send a message about their values.
Minimalism in the west can now mean a rejection of materialism.

The future of Status Symbols.
How will people in the future portray themselves when most interactions are not in-person?
What message are people who buy NFT’s trying to send to their community ?
What messages do you try to show people online?
Do you want others to know you have a;
Happy family, relaxed lifestyle, important job, sporty hobbies, an affinity with Nature, numerous friends, not stopped partying?

Advertisers use high Status people to use their products. The product can then become a Status Symbol.

Status Symbols give us an in depth look at the psyche behind humans and what they value.
The essence is — ‘what message are we trying to send about ourselves?
Behind every Status Symbol you think is ridiculous is someone who wants to be understood.



CUCU - Concepts U Can't Unsee - Ben Douglas

Ben here. Varied background in Business, Music, Golf and History. I write about how Status affects self-awarenesss & human Evolution.