The definition of Dignity (1.3)


Do you think your existence is beneficial for humanity?

For some reason when I hear the word dignity Whitney Houston comes to mind.
The lyrics “you can’t take away my dignity” ring in my ears.
But is it true that you cannot take away someone’s dignity?
If so, why not?

Are people able to give dignity. If so they must also be able to take it away.

Official definition
“the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect”

My Definition
“A belief that oneself is beneficial for the human species to survive and evolve”
The same way that respect acknowledges someone else’s value to the species.
Dignity acknowledges our own value to the species.
Dignity is what you think of yourself, respect is what you think of others.

A dignified person
A dignified person carries themselves with self confidence.
This self confidence is a deep, often subconscious belief that they are virtuous or ‘good’ person.
A good person in this sense is a belief that we are benefitting the ‘tribe’.
Someone who over-estimates their value goes from being dignified to arrogant.

Rebellious dignity
This reasoning explains why someone who society might view as a threat can still be dignified.
Despite disapproval, outrage or criticism from others a person can remain stobbornly dignified.
We see this in figures like Galileo or Martin Luther King jnr.
But we also can see it in serial killers or terrorists who believe in their cause.
While many outside them did feel they were worthy of Respect, they had a deep self-respect.
They had dignity.

It takes dignity & courage to not capitulate to everyone around you.

Taking away Dignity
When someone is trying to take away someone’s dignity, they are trying to convince them they are a hinderance to the species.
The Status quo is attempting to pressure the person into losing respect for themselves.
Whitney Houston was right.
Because dignity is a belief about oneself, it is technically impossible to take away someone’s dignity.

When someone behaves with no dignity it means that they do not value themselves.
A person may act in a way that is abhorrent to you while still maintaining their dignity.
Truly undignified behaviour is that whch lacks consistency or is self contradictory.

How we view ourselves is often heavily influenced by others.
Are we a good person or not?
It takes courage to view yourself independently of the herd.
This is why every person who created change in history from Steve Jobs to Richard Prior required dignity.

Name a time when you feel you lost your dignity, your self respect.



CUCU - Concepts U Can't Unsee - Ben Douglas

Ben here. Varied background in Business, Music, Golf and History. I write about how Status affects self-awarenesss & human Evolution.