Purpose Coin
3 min readAug 6, 2018

How Purpose Coin Can Help Your Personal Growth

Many humans have a desire to make an impact on this planet while we’re still on it.

While it’s important to look after ourselves and make sure those closest to us have everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable life, it’s also ingrained in many people to try and help others around the world.

Dedicating time or money to make the world a better place for others leaves many of us feeling more empowered and purposeful. This is a type of personal growth that the majority of us are seeking.

In fact, studies have suggested that donating to charity actually improves activity in the part of the brain that registers pleasure.

The Charities Aid Foundation recently surveyed its donors about why they give money to charity, and more than four out of 10 (42%) said they enjoy helping to influence the world through giving.

Some 96% agreed they had a moral duty to use their resources to help others — more proof that helping others is ingrained in the human psyche.


The problem is there are many barriers that are preventing many people from donating to charity, helping less fortunate people and feeling better about themselves.

The main problem is that the majority of people feel that they don’t have enough to fill their own basic needs. The United States is supposed to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world, yet 71% of its residents are in debt, while 78% of them are living from paycheck-to-paycheck

Among those who do have enough expendable income to give to worthy causes, there are many who are put off by how much of their donation is swallowed by fees, and the fact that there is no way to track how the money is spent.

How Purpose Coin plans to make a difference

Purpose Coin was set up to try and smash down these hurdles.

The company has founded a micro-donation system based on blockchain technology that allows even the most hard-up families to donate what they can afford to help others and make themselves feel important and purposeful while doing it.

A micro-donation system isn’t possible through current means of charity donations, due to the administration and fees involved. This blockchain system changes all of that, plus its immutable nature allows every transaction to be tracked do donors can be sure the majority of their money is going to good causes.

How Purpose Coin works

Purpose Coin has set up its own cryptocurrency on the WAVES blockchain. It plans to donate 10,000 Purpose Coins per week to charities for the next two weeks. The more money that people invest in this cryptocurrency, the further these donations will go.

With Purpose Coin, the power is in the community. Investing will barely affect your financial life at all, but can make the world of difference to others. If you can inspire friends and family to join, your presence in the community becomes stronger.

Click the link to learn more about how Purpose Coin aims to revolutionize the charity and non-profit community.

Purpose Coin

We at Purpose Coin believe that a new economic model called Helpconomy is possible. Join us on our mission to help millions of people and create a sustainable e