10 Bitcoin Stories

Purse Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2015

Stories about ordinary people using cryptocurrency in fascinating ways
Part 2 of 2

Bitcoins sit in wallets collecting digital dust.
We lack use cases to stir the pot.

Amazon has the lowest price on almost everything. Get an extra 10% off, and you’re bound to find arbitrage opportunities. Discover how people are building profitable businesses.

6. Resell Online

Playstation, GoPro, and iPad — many electronics sell for the exact same price across marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Rakuten at high volume.

On Purse, you can get any of these items for 20% less using bitcoin. Pair that with the global consumer electronics market.

Simple formula: Pay $400 on Purse for a $500 GoPro on Amazon and resell for $495 on eBay.

$95 minus shipping. Bread all day.

7. Clever Japanese Student

Denshi is a 14 year old crypto enthusiast in Japan. After school, he enjoys hacking away on Bitcoin projects and reading about crypto.

When he found out about Purse, he offered to shop for his parents. He uses Purse to get steep discounts and arbitrages their groceries. Bright future in store for this entrepreneurial student.

Tip Denshi: 18e48b2zCLdj7GsF4agfvo9kLximHkJpJ7

8. International Arbitrage

Josh makes a 6 figures arbitraging international price discrepancies. Josh has a Saudi client who pays 30% above Amazon price for Blackberry smartphones and other electronics. He buys inventory from Purse, fills containers in a rented warehouse, and ships them across the ocean making 40–50% margins on each trip.

Tip of the hat, sir.

9. Amazon Everywhere

We take Amazon for granted. There are many places in the world where you won’t find the world’s largest store at our fingertips.

Yusho is CEO at Coinhako, and his best memories of the US were shopping on Amazon. After moving back to Singapore, he researched parcel forwarding services that would accept Amazon packages and forward it to him.

Yusho offsets the cost of shipping with the Purse discount. He now shops on Amazon from Singapore.

10. Nakamoto’s

In 2015, e-commerce accounts for less than 6% of US retail sales. The Bitcoin industry spends very little time thinking about that 94%. As a consequence, there are very few merchants that accept bitcoins, especially at places you frequent.

Nakamoto’s was started to change that. The store sells anything on Amazon for 10% less, but only if paid in bitcoin. In one stop, a curious visitor can purchase, spend, and learn all about Bitcoin.

Nakamoto’s also hosts the only bitcoin ATM in SF — and they have 2 in case one is down. If you live in SF, stop by to say hi! Secure your coins with a new Trezor or learn more about Bitcoin history through Age of Crypto — all 10% cheaper than Amazon.

Forget the Amazon retail store — Nakamoto’s is 10% cheaper

Tweet @NakamotoStore if you’re interested in starting a store in your community.

