Search for Happiness — 3 items that Stand it The Way of Finding True Happiness

3 min readSep 23, 2016


Zoltan Bathory

Most humans spend their whole life looking for happiness, but some never stand an opportunity of finding true happiness. So what exactly is why everybody is unhappy? Exactly what is the secret to happiness? There are three important roadblocks to our personal happiness.


The initial, and a lot critical, hurdle to finding true happiness is do not know ourselves. The true secret to happiness is understanding what is important for your requirements. The fact remains that there are not one universal road to happiness because everybody differs and has different dreams and requires. While for just one person creating something could be the road to happiness for another person it could be nurturing others. However, were many times dedicated to the incorrect goals because we tune in to popular culture and other people. When we make the time as well as to actually concentrate on our dreams, and shut out the distractions, you have to can discover the important thing to unlocking our personal happiness.

Another roadblock in our hunt for happiness is giving excessive chance to things that usually do not matter. I have a friend who obsesses over developing a clean house and ensuring her folks are clean and neat whenever they leave home. She gripes about how exactly much time these obsessions detract from her time with her family. I will be the contrary. As i do wish the house was cleaner I made the decision when my son came to be any time I used to be old Take part in look back and regret developing a messy house but that I might regret not getting together with my child. While cleaning is in my priority list, it always falls below my child when he is old and grey I’m confident he can understand that as well as I actually do. Too frequently we spend time and effort and centered on things that usually do not matter in the end. Letting the dishes sit in the sink one night whilst you play a sport using your child or pursue a spare time activity you’re keen on will contribute more on your happiness than making sure you are doing those dishes after which missing lifespan you’re keen on.

The ultimate critical element that blocks true happiness for many is not giving the things which make us happy enough weight in our life. Too frequently we put on those things we do not have — the bigger house, the newer car, the higher job — rather than we already have that produces us happy — the significant relationships, the happy home, the rewarding career. The very next time you’re feeling unhappy create a list of most that is going in your life. It’s almost guaranteed that list is significantly over you thought and merely reviewing whenever they you are feeling better.

The quest for happiness needs to be a lifelong journey though the road to finding true happiness could be rewarding and enjoyable as we make sure you know ourselves, forget about things that don’t matter, and don’t forget the things that do.

